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Posts posted by CNew

  1. Is there a trick to removing the recoil rope spool from the earlier O&R engines? This is the first engine I’ve worked on that doesn’t have the large retaining ring that clips into the little recesses on the housing. I can’t figure out what seems to be preventing the spool from sliding right out but it doesn’t seem to want to budge. I have not yet let the tension out of the recoil spring so I’m thinking that is probably my issue but wanted to ask before I mess anything up.



  2. Ha, sounds like we have a similar arsenal of cleaning utensils. I’ve been buying Q-tips in bulk now and I go through a fair amount of carb cleaner, works great. Not sure why I hadn’t really used gasoline up till now but it’ll be a go-to for soaking these gear box and carb parts for sure.

  3. Just looked at the rebuild thread again, thanks!


    Hmmm, you’d think someone would make little seals like this for chainsaws or something... more searching I guess. I still wonder if a X-profile o-ring might be an option. I don’t know enough about how the seal functions but I’m guessing that since it’s a pressurized system it’s best to have the U-cup rather than a more compressive type seal like an o-ring or the x-profile o-ring.

  4. I finally got this engine all put back together yesterday.  I didn’t attempt to replace any of the shaft seals with o-rings just yet.  I thought I would first see if the old seals had a little life left in them. Well, I got the engine to run for 1-2 seconds at a time, basically it will fire off the little bit of gas from priming the carb. Does this sound indicative of a seal leak or a fuel problem? I completely rebuilt the carb and cleaned the fuel tank and also added an in-line fuel filter (I do that on pretty much all my engines now) so I think the fuel system is working properly.  By the way, the little “Crap Trap filters by Sullivan No 187 are great). 


    As soon as I got the engine all back together I remembered the engine/shaft seal leak tests from previous threads. I was kicking myself for forgetting to try those techniques before buttening it all up.  But, I guess I’ll get a second chance now:banghead:

    On 6/4/2019 at 5:16 AM, Wallfish said:

    Try searching around the net for U cup seals like this



    If an alternative replacement U-cup seal in this particular weird size range for O&R continues to be non-existent, what are your thoughts on a X-profile o-ring? I was wondering if this style o-ring might offer sort of an in-between solution of a U-cup and a standard O-ring.


    I haven’t ever actually pulled one of the induction shaft seals out of the little groove.  Is it also a U-cup style or something completely different?  It doesn’t look like a U-cup to me but without actually getting it out it’s hard to tell. Does anyone have a NOS seal that can post some close up photos?  Given their scarcity I don’t want to accidentally damage one pulling it out just to study itB)

  5. This has to be the nastiest gear box I’ve come across yet. Usually even the bad ones have just dried out grease and gunk that scrapes out or wipes out fairly easily. This one has some kind of strange grease that has basically turned into tar. It’s the thickest, stickiest gunk I think I’ve ever seen. It was so bad it completely prevented anything from moving. It also hasn’t responded well to cleaners or solvents. The little clutch drum is going to be the hardest part to clean.  This is going to take some elbow grease to get cleaned up!


    Anyone else run into grease that like this, sort of a greenish blue color? I’m guessing it’s either just 50+ yrs of solidifying or someone filled the gearbox with the wrong stuff or both.


    All part of the fun...


  6. I’ve seen a few of the Orline Mustang chainsaws recently on eBay and this one came up this week. I was surprised by the level of interest in it vs the others that sat on there for awhile and weren’t generating as much interest. I can’t figure out what the draw is to this specific one. It looks to be in decent condition but I’m guessing it’s also been repainted. The metal cover over the gear box is different but that looks to be hand crafted and not part of the original saw. Is there truly something special about this one that I’m not seeing?



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