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Posts posted by JUST O&R

  1. The one I have looks like the second set of pics that is the same handle I have .no I don't have the cover for the coil.

    Do you know if the wires will come out would love to put in a new wire. I try to keep them original if I can some time

    it doesn't work out . This one I had to paint the lower plate And I will need to paint  the handle on the tank .

    I'm sure that I will never find one of this old coils but it will run again!!!

  2. Thanks was like that when i got it. a considered shrink wrap but this is the wire that goes around by the cylinder.

    I think I'm going to try to take it out its no good the way it is. it looks to be sealed in with something.

    absolutely would like to use this original if I could but the A-149-3 is the replacement.


  3. ya I'm a little slow. The wires on the original coil are coming apart can't seem to find one like that.

    The only one I have that's is about the same is on my pump and not taking that apart.

    Has anyone tried to replace the wire I have considered trying some unscrew out  and some don't.



  4. I'm sure this is an older unit it is one of the only ones Ive seen  with this tank. I think you had a posted  about  popular science 1962 I think its about the same.

    I have not seen one of this saws with the same tank . the one Ive seen have a aluminum tank with a knob on it this one has a round tank with a handle

    over the top .   I will get the ser # maybe someone can tell me the year

    p.s I was looking for a 4" grinding wheel went  three places to find some .

    Its like every thing, make it for a few years and change it.

    Then discontinue it.


  5.  Well here is the project I'm working on now. This is the first O&R I acquired it was about 35 years ago my brother worked at a mower shop in Florida.

    His boss was going to threw it out and I said I will take it . I took it apart and was going to get it running but life gets in the way I was only about 16 maybe 18 not sure .

    Its been in a box for a long time 6 to 7 moves 3 states . I found it in a box a few years ago and this it what started it all .  Missing a few parts must have got  lost in the

    moves  but well get it together . For the last few years I have been buying them when I can. thanks to a few good people I now have a few diaphragms to get it going and a few more.

    Missing the clamp to hold blade and blade. Just found a blade on ebay 8" is not on all the store shelves. 






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