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About richnick
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  1. Does anybody know the size of the check ball in the carburetor



    1. tvenetis


      I am looking for the diaphragm assembly for a ohlsson carburetor thanks.

  2. Does anyone know where I can find the ball bearing check valve for the carburetor or do you know what size is I lost mine I tried using a tip of a pen that is too small any ideas
  3. I have a 3/4 HP ohlsson & rice engine do you know where I can find carburetor parts I need the inlet check ball with the springy metal the hold down the arm to let the gas into the cow brighter can't find them anywhere do you know where I can get them I sent you a picture so you know what I'm talkin about I think you wrote the article with this picture came from

    Screenshot 2022-05-01 1.01.07 PM.png

  4. I have a Olsen and rice an engine and I'm looking for diaphragm assembly for the Cabaret. I'm looking for that little spring and the Leva and the ball valve in anybody help me
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