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About Listerman77
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  • Location
    Worthing, West Sussex
  • Interests
    Lister L, Onan ww2 generator, Teles open crank, Wheelhorse tractors, Ransome's triple mower, Briggs Stratton early, Tarpen loads o' bits, Horticultural equipment,Ham radio
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  1. Wristpin are you still there? I need some advice please re MAG 2055SRL
  2. Richard, Thanks for the reply and link. I am already trying to contact this gentleman as I have some information for him - small world! On other blog sites gurnter carbs are called " notorious" I wonder why? They seem to be mainly used on mopeds, the carb I have is about 1" choke so is in the big league for them. Thanks again Paul
  3. This is a deck I reproduced using sheet steel and a course in welding at my local evening classes. The gearing was replaced. New blades were made from strips of steel carefully balanced. Sorry about non standard wheelhorse paint but this was 30 years ago when the Redhorse was not so cheerished.
  4. Hi Chris. I'm new to this site but saw you are near me and have an Allen sythe. I have one which was working before storage and loads of bits. Would you be interested? I'm in Steyning so just down the road!

    Not sure how you reply but will look on this site soon to see if there's a reply. Regards Paul 

  5. Has anyone had experience with gurtner carburetors? There is one fitted to my Ransomed motor triple which is causing me grief! It's on the petrol MAG 2055 engine, the DC version. The fuel mixture screw has absolutely no effect at all. Is there an internal passage which gets blocked? I'm at the stage of investing in an ultrasonic cleaner, ordinary carb cleaner has done nothing. The engine runs but is irratic the plugs indicate a rich mixture but it needs the choke to run!
  6. Hi. You think that needs work! I have a wheelhorse which has to keep 2acres cut so I can't take time out to restore. My deck is full of welds nuts and bolts plastic padding etc. Still the wheelhorse is the best of my rideons. I put myself into an evening class to learn to weld and made a deck for an even older wheelhorse the one with two blades and gearing to keep the blades from hitting. To make new blades I knocked up a 3/4" bush on a small spindle to balance the blades when ground into shape. Few years on and no problems.
  7. Listerman77


  8. I am restoring a Ransome's triple with a mag twin cylinder petrol engine. Engine runs as if starved of fuel. The fuel mixture screw has no effect on the engine speed or exhaust colour. I see others have had this problem. Any ideas? Does the gurtner carb block up somehow?
  9. Wristpin - got the manual now - thanks a lot, just what I need. I've got rid of the squirrel's nest around the cylinders and now need to track down all the extra wiring someone has put in! It seems to have a non standard dustributer cap, right size but only 2 of 4 ht outlets used. It used to run apparently. Cheers
  10. Thanks wristpin, it's not opening in adobe - says it's invalid PDF file. Anything I should do other than click on the link?
  11. Thankyou for the reply. Yes I have the operators manual downloaded, it's the engine details I am looking for. Good idea about going to mower agency. What else were MAG engines fitted to? Regards
  12. I have acquired an old Ransome's triple mk4 mower. It uses a MAG 2055 twin petrol engine. Anyone know where I can get a manual for the engine?
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