Anglo Traction 1,016 #1 Posted February 26, 2014 Another little used refurb challenge from the machinery graveyard. Not very old, but worth cleaning up. Hoping the Generator part is ok as it's totally enclosed. Engine is very good, turns over smoothly, has clean oil and all there. I'm loving the heavy duty Spark Plug Suppressor Cover and Lead . Even the anti-vibration mounts are good. It look's like a GD Mountfield branded Model, as it has a very nice Decal- Looking forward to doing this one. 3 anotherblowngasket, bowtiebutler956 and neil reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 1,900 #2 Posted February 26, 2014 Nice find Richard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #3 Posted February 26, 2014 Thats very nice Richard, indeed a good find !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #4 Posted February 28, 2014 Good thing is, having confirmed the age, all the parts I will need to service and get the Engine running are still available. Even the Points/Condenser Kit is the same as the 7hp on the Osprey . Also uncovered an old-ish Poulan Chain Saw, about 1971-ish. No Chain Brake and Manual Chain Oil Feed. Parts still available and will confirm age when I remove the Carb for service...... Repair Kits available. Obtained full company history and parts list already. Not sure if Chainsaws should be in this one, so may go in another applicable Forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #5 Posted February 28, 2014 Not sure if Chainsaws should be in this one, so may go in another applicable Forum. Why not? It's an old machine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #6 Posted March 1, 2014 Very nice find Richard! It looks to be in great shape, and it must have been intended to be around radio equipment, and such for it to have the shielded plug, and wire. Briggs didn't change the design much thru the years, as here is one of mine from 1945. Matt 3 Anglo Traction, S1g and neil reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #7 Posted March 7, 2014 You've done it again Matt!, caught me out and posted a pic of one of your 'Works of Art'............I didn't have a Drool Cloth over the Keyboard . Can't quite see on yours, but is there a 'Kill Button' poking out of the side?. I have a small sprung Rod that kills the engine. I picked the Genset up yesterday, it's on the Van at the moment and hope to unload it later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #8 Posted March 7, 2014 Thanks for the kind words Richard. I don't know why I didn't notice that kill rod before. Very Neat! My engine has a kill rod, but its not on the plug shield, its in the shroud just below the gas tank straps. You can see it in the first pic I have above, but its not very clear. Here is another pic. Now you've done it Richard, you made me want one of those engines that has the cool spark plug shields with the kill rod. I was just fine when I didn't know they existed, but now I have to try, and find one for my collection. Matt You can see my kill rod on the right side of the shroud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #9 Posted March 7, 2014 I'll keep an eye out for one Matt. I see you have a lot of rain forecast for your part of Texas on Sunday!. Hope it doesn't hold up your progress on the Case 1 bowtiebutler956 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #10 Posted March 8, 2014 I'll keep an eye out for one Matt. I see you have a lot of rain forecast for your part of Texas on Sunday!. Hope it doesn't hold up your progress on the Case Your right Richard, so I intend to work like crazy tomorrow to get my painting done. I always did like a challenge. Matt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #11 Posted April 5, 2014 Still deciding if this is fixable. Several problems with the generator part. I thought I'd see if the Engine could be fixed up, as I know the Block parts are all good. Carb was questionable, but I've cleaned and freed it all up. No spark, weak Flywheel Magnets and the Fuel Tank is a mess inside. The fuel has been in there for at least 30 years and the colour/consistency of molasses. Really pungent and found this crud in the bottom- Going to be a pain to clean out, but I'll persevere and work on it in between the other projects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #12 Posted April 5, 2014 Still deciding if this is fixable. Several problems with the generator part. I thought I'd see if the Engine could be fixed up, as I know the Block parts are all good. Carb was questionable, but I've cleaned and freed it all up. No spark, weak Flywheel Magnets and the Fuel Tank is a mess inside. The fuel has been in there for at least 30 years and the colour/consistency of molasses. Really pungent and found this crud in the bottom- DSC01062.JPG DSC01063.JPG Going to be a pain to clean out, but I'll persevere and work on it in between the other projects. Yuck!! That tank was nasty. I wish we were closer, as I have one of those tanks in near mint condition with no home. I've never tried to ship something that far before, and am unsure of cost, but I'd be happy to give it to you. Here is a pic. Matt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C-101plowerpower 548 #13 Posted April 6, 2014 Still deciding if this is fixable. Several problems with the generator part. I thought I'd see if the Engine could be fixed up, as I know the Block parts are all good. Carb was questionable, but I've cleaned and freed it all up. No spark, weak Flywheel Magnets and the Fuel Tank is a mess inside. The fuel has been in there for at least 30 years and the colour/consistency of molasses. Really pungent and found this crud in the bottom- DSC01062.JPG DSC01063.JPG Going to be a pain to clean out, but I'll persevere and work on it in between the other projects. yuck, that stuff looks like asphalt. Koen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 1,900 #14 Posted April 6, 2014 That's filthy Richard! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #15 Posted April 7, 2014 Yuck!! That tank was nasty. I wish we were closer, as I have one of those tanks in near mint condition with no home. Matt Very considerate of you Matt thanks. I may come back to you as a last resort if I consider the cost to be worth it. yuck, that stuff looks like asphalt. Koen and That's filthy Richard! Yes guys, the stuff is like a brittle crust. I'm going to give it a chance and see if I can clean it. I have an inspection camera that will see inside it after I have given it a few cleaning stages. If it look's like impossible, I'll junk it. Too wet outside for that job, so amongst other things, I'm cleaning up a few bits on the old rescued 1964 40plus Seagull Outboard. The all brass Fuel Tank has very few small dents in the ends, very rare. Spotless inside now after a handful of clean Pea Shingle successively mixed with Petrol, Cellulose, Vinegar, Soap and Water has done it's work. Here's a before and so far comparison - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #16 Posted April 7, 2014 That's really cleaned up a treat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #17 Posted April 11, 2014 Having got all the crud and rust out of the Genset tank now through several stages of cleaning, I'm going to see if the final process does the job. There had been an ingress of water during it's long dormancy and rusting had set in. Being a tank that has an internal Fuel bowl, it is not easy to get all the surfaces clean with just stones. So into the E- Bucket with it- I've used 3 Anodes, one in each aperture so as much of the internal surfaces are exposed to the process. I'll do this 3 times and finish with the stones, then a final internal and external. So I hope it's worth the effort . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #18 Posted April 12, 2014 You do amazing work Richard, and if anyone can return it top condition, its you. Matt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #19 Posted April 15, 2014 Having a bit of a struggle with this Unit Matt . Tank cleaning has reached the limit of my attention now and will do. Even rescued the Cap, but will replace the Breather Washer in it with a leather one. I also attacked the Air Filter, which is also a mess- So all the Fuely bits are prepped - But maybe I should have prioritised the separating of the Engine and the Generator part first. I'm struggling to find out how to separate them. they just don't want to part, so more head scratching is required and will put this back on the 'To - Do' list, as I want the engine to run my Vintage Jabsco Water Pump. P.S. The long grass seen in the pic was cut this morning . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 1,900 #20 Posted April 15, 2014 Loving the shine, I love how you bring your stuff back to bright metal. The rest of us (me) just get the big rust flakes of and put plenty of paint on.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C-101plowerpower 548 #21 Posted April 15, 2014 looks brilliant richard, what are you going to do with the jenny part? Koen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #22 Posted April 15, 2014 looks brilliant richard, what are you going to do with the jenny part? Koen Not sure yet Koen, it would need a bearing support where the Engine's shaft enters if it is to be used on something else. There isn't a lot going for it at the moment if separated, as it has a large heavy 'Ballast Resistance Box' attached to it, presumably to absorb 'No Load' current, but then I know nothing about Generator Electrics. There are no isolation switches, so it produces power to sockets etc as soon as the engine is running. A bit of progress with 'Operation Dynamo' separation. Managed to withdraw the shaft and engine with care and very little effort, once I realised that the rear Bearing will just move with the shaft and the Woodruff Key removed- The Casing/Windings are real heavy with all that Copper in it and look's good inside, except for a few flakes of varnish from the Bandings- Big Dyno for a 1.5KVA output. Before I scrap the Dyno part, I'll speak to a 'Sparks' friend I know and see what can be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #23 Posted April 21, 2014 Managed to put a few hours in over the weekend and did a full top end check and clean up on the Engine. All in great Spec condition, even has the Hatch marks still visible in the bore from the original Honing. Valves and Seats are real good and just need to lap and refit them- Top of the Block and Head mating faces were levelled/trued up for a good fit and some time spent fettling the Fins etc to improve airflow. Well worth saving this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 1,900 #24 Posted April 21, 2014 Impeccable as ever Richard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 166 #25 Posted April 26, 2014 Wow, that looks fantastic Richard! I love the way you take the time to polish the aluminum up. I'm curious as to what was wrong with the generator, as it really looks quite good inside, and with the crosshatch still showing in the engine, it can't have much time on it. Matt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites