expeatfarmer 591 #1 Posted January 5, 2021 For the last few months I have been medically chair bound with the exception of odd forays to the garages and workshop to find things. Father Christmas was very good to me giving me a comfy office chair, an LED head torch and a Drill Doctor drill sharpener. My new lockdown past time is sitting at the kitchen table in my comfy chair ,my headlight beaming away and my drill sharpener on the table in front of me. Over 50 years of workshopping I have somehow amassed a huge collection of drill bits , some were my Father's , Rhys gave me a pile of Morse tapered lathe drills but most I have bought when embarking on a new project. Although I am quite capable of sharpening drill bits ,it has not been a regular workshop maintenance task and consequently it was quicker to buy some new drills rather than sort out and sharpen old ones, UNTIL NOW ! The drill Doctor machine will cope with drills from 1mm ( if you are careful ) up to 3/4" . The drill bit is set in a chuck which aligns the flutes to produce a point angle of 118 - 135 degrees with minor up or down variation. The chuck is then slotted into a holding socket above the diamond grinding wheel to be rotated slowly by hand, two turns will dress up a tired drill to new, 10 turns will restore a broken drill. The machine was not cheap but works extremely well, will cater for split point drills and masonry bits, clean working ,not too noisy and a nice way to spend a few hours in the warm recycling useful things. I would certainly never have stood at the grinder for many hours hand sharpening hundreds of drill bits. I have now ordered a couple of graded drill bit holders so that I can again sit at the table and sort out all the sizes and then give a couple of sets to my sons. I recently bought a spring caliper guage for measuring valve shims and was very pleasantly surprised to find that it can display in mm / inches and also fractions of inches so I can now identify some of the odd sized tapping drills I have. That should take up a few hours maybe I will improve my set up with my headlamp and some wireless earphones tuned in to Planet Rock! 3 Cub Cadet, Stormin and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 1,016 #2 Posted January 7, 2021 I bought a basic Martek Drill Sharpener back in 1986, attaches to an electric drill and fixed into a drill holder back in that period. Only covered bits from 1/8" upwards. Still have it, but not used much. I tend to dispose of, or sharpen by hand, any bits under 1/8" and use only for wood after. Although I was successful in hand sharpening 2 off 1/32" drill bits after I broke them while working on my latest project. To be on the safe side, I started the hole with a good one, then followed up with the sharpened one and went fine with no issues. Winter 'clips my wings' with projects due cold workshop and other priorities. Like you're having to do, I do much of small work on the table in the warmer conditions. The other thing keeping me busy is learning the secrets of a different OS from Windows to MacBook Pro after 15 years using Microsoft. 2 Cub Cadet and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #3 Posted January 8, 2021 Got a drill sharpener myself, though I doubt I would get away with using it in the house. Workshop is a bit chilly for working in. With the lockdown restrictions, my farm work and trips over to Scotland are curtailed. Jigsaws have been rooted out. More books read and a daily 2-1/2 approx. mile walk round the block. I'm even doing the washing up. Sometimes! 2 Alan and expeatfarmer reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #4 Posted January 9, 2021 At least we can go out in the garden and build a snowman ! 1 Stormin reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alan 1,273 #5 Posted January 9, 2021 Not metal but Wifey and I trimmed an out of control tree in garden. Lock down exercise. Lots of twigs and twiglets all cut into short pieces and stuffed into 9 assorted size bags. Can't take to the tip, even if it was open, non essential travel. Not to worry though, I have a plan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #6 Posted January 13, 2021 Started sizing the drill bits yesterday turns out I have sharpened 346 plus 28 masonry drills not started on the morse taper lathe drills yet thought I would save that until I am really bored !!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites