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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Plough Depth Wheel'

    When ploughing with the Black Horse, the electric lift is either up or down. No way of controlling depth, other than various positions on the linkage. I've been thinking about a depth wheel for some time. I did have an attempt a while ago, but things didn't work out. This afternoon I started on another idea. Had a scrat round the workshop and came up with some bits and bobs. Some box section and a wheel of a scrapped walk behind mower, were a start. Arm is left over length and needs welding up. That will be done later. Next was some way to attach the wheel to the plough. It needed to pivot of course. Where to attach the pivot was solved by another piece of box section inserted between plough arm and braces. Photo later on. Box section cut to length and a length of threaded rod. Couple of nuts to suit the rod. Nuts turned down to fit in the box section. Threaded bar screwed in and again over length. Split dowels were fitted after this photo. And where the pivot goes. A tight fit in there and will be welded in when all things are together and I'm happy with it. And just to give you an idea how it will look. (I hope!)
  2. 2 points
    Anglo Traction

    Fichtel & Sachs AG STAMO 202

    Update- Despite all efforts by this engine to avoid producing a Spark, it finally relented the other week after delving deep behind the Flywheel and checking/cleaning everything. Made some missing parts for the over complicated and non-repair friendly Bing Carb. Managed to get it to fire a few times, but suspected the Carb settings were out, as I had not touched them. Last Weds, able to get to it for an hour or so. Played with the Air Bleed and Governor, then burst into life with an impressive white smoke cloud. It had been parked up several years ago and in a poor state in both condition and mechanically. I'll post some pics of it and what it is attached to soon when it's in full running order and the owner gives me the OK.
  3. 1 point

    Kubota B6100

    Might be worth trying your local kubota dealer, if they don't carry the parts anymore, they should know where to get them as there are plenty of old kubotas still in work.
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