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Christopher Taylor

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About Christopher Taylor
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  1. Hi does anyone have any information on the clutch arrangement on the Crawley 75 that is the belt drive clutch arrangement, as I wish to convert from chain drive centrifugal clutch ,to belt drive jockey pulley clutch, if anyone has any paperwork or photos I would be grateful , I know roughly the arrangement but need a few sizes, of components/ parts required, some of which I know i would have to make myself, any information/ advice would be gratefully received, or if anyone has any of the parts required I would be willing to purchase. Regards Chris Taylor. e mail ctmowers@gmail.com.
  2. Hi I am fairly new to this site although I have been restoring Wheelhorse tractors since 2008, I guess you have sold your MM by now, I am looking for one if you have not sold it, and for some spares for the gearbox as I am restoring one at the moment, mine is missing the rear shaft in the gearbox and two gears than fit onto it, do you happen to know anyone who has worked on one of these gearboxes that may have some dimensions so as I can get the parts made, I am on the Isle of Wight , no one over here to help; Regards Chris.
  3. Hi does anyone have a spare gearbox case for the Martin Markham colt de luxe Tractor.

  4. Hi Paul, just wondered iff you knew anyone who might be able to help, me as with regards to the spares I need for the colt tractor, perhaps someone that knows these gearboxes, and may be someone that could make the gear and shaft that is missing. Regards Chris.
  5. Hi folks, have got the colt running today she runs ,sweet as a nut without smoke, does anyone out there have a spares diagram or a picture of the inside of the gearbox, the parts I am concerned with are the rear cross shaft, and the small gear that connects onto the crown wheel, and the small shaft that this gear and the other two fit on, I have the larger two gears. I am also missing the gearbox top cover and the gearstick, does anyone have these parts or a complete gearbox that they would sell to me, I am willing to buy even a complete tractor and willing to give a good price. regards Chris. you may message me on ct.mowers@gmail.com.
  6. to h4rryharry Yes it was the tractor that was on e bay, looks a wreck I must admit, but engine is ok, and what is there is ok, wished someone had not messed with the gearbox really, my e mail address is ct.mowers@gmail.com. Regards Chris.
  7. Does anyone have any idea where I may find a gearbox top and some gearbox parts from for this model of tractor, or even a spares list, I am a wheelhorse man really although I now also have a Gutbrod 1032 I have just finished renovating, I have just bought the colt and would dearly love to be able to renovate it, . but these parts are missing, If I could find a complete backend that would be an easy fix for me. I would be grateful for any information. Regards Chris.
  8. Hi just wondered if you knew anyone that had any spares for one of these tractors I am looking for gearbox top with stick and selectors plus cross shaft and gears and pto shaft, your spare back end would have been idea to get these spares from only I have just started to restore Martin Markham colt de lux model. thanks ChrisTel 01983521634.
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