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About Mitymoehelp
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  1. Now it has come time to paint the flywheel cover/recoil housing, how risky is it to drill out the rivit holding the recoil in and remove the recoil for cleaning and painting
  2. One more thing, is there supposed to be a seal between the dust cap/bearing retainer on the flywheel side, I’m assuming there is, if so can you let me know what it’s made of and how thick it needs to be.
  3. Not quite I am still working on putting the parts back together, I ended up doing a whole rebuild because of all the screws that snapped off mainly because of the points set screw, it sure is a pain to get all the bearings in without them falling out but I used a small ammount of permatex assembly lube left over from our small block v8 rebuild to hold the bearings in place while I slid the crankshaft into the crank case.
  4. Carb is rebuilt and ready to go huge thanks to Just O&R for sending me the parts I needed
  5. Do any of you have a spare little push rod for the points that you would be willing to get rid of mine broke during disassembly, if not can I make a new one if so how
  6. And does anyone have a points pushrod that they are looking to get rid of
  7. Awesome, yea they are the shorter wider needles
  8. Do any of you guys by chance have a bearing set or even just one or two roller bearings for the flywheel side outer bearing I can not find one of the rollers
  9. If you decide you want to part with the Mity Moe please let me know. I might even have another O&R that could be used for a boat if that’s your main goal. Maybe we could work something out.

  10. Ok yea I’m not quite sure if I want to put it in a boat it was just a thought and who actually made these engines for Buffalo turbine
  11. What would you recommend for a fuel to oil ratio, most modern equipment I think is 50:1 I’m assuming the mity moe calls for a 25:1 or 30:1 and also what about the little pushrod for the points about an 1/8 inch of mine broke off durring removal, can I get some bulk rod and cut it do length to replace it?
  12. Yes I was thinking of finding a more responsive carb when I eventually build a boat, I have the frame modeled on solid works mostly I just need to get some kinks worked out, the rest of the unit I might restore also just Incase I find out the mity moe is worth a million dollars or something haha but I will definitely hold on to the rest of the parts What would you recommend for a fuel to oil ratio, most modern equipment I think is 50:1 I’m assuming the mity moe calls for a 25:1 or 30:1
  13. Thank you guys for your advice, I plan on getting this engine running and Might use it for a rc boat project. I was originally just trying to get it running without a rebuild and I didn’t have spark but when I stuck a screw driver in the plug wire and grounded myself to the unit I got a pretty strong shock so I tried some different spark plugs and neither did the trick so I cleaned the points and when I went to adjust them the set screw snapped right off in the aluminum and so didn't many other fasteners, luckily I was able to get them out using a stick welder and vice grips. It’s a cool trick I found on YouTube by deboss garage. Anyways could dirty points or a weak condenser cause no spark but A good shock. How much would wallfish charge me to send me a diaphram or diaphram material
  14. I’ll add some pictures in a little bit, I don’t have any pictures of when it was together sadly but I do have some of when it is all torn apart and I do have access to a laser cutter is there a way I can purchase carb diaphragm material and then cut it out myself
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