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About Ransomes256
  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/27/1955
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  • Location
    Bridgend, South Wales
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  1. Not aware of the machine but have you looked at https://www.diyspareparts.com/parts/hayter I am just a happy user for other odd machine parts. Neil
  2. I agree for initial assembly the ring gaps should not be in line but during running the rings will rotate around so at some points the gaps will align. Neil
  3. There is a bellows for a different make of scroll saw listed on ebay. I do not know if it is the same.
  4. Jonathan, Pleased to see you have been out and about. Shrewsbury show always good. Neil
  5. Jonathan, Sad times and wish you well. Neil
  6. Norm, Sorry I do not know the answer but stationaryengines.com list the rings and bearings so can probably tell you. I also see that agrimanuals.com have copies of the operators handbook available. Neil
  7. Bet you are very sad to see this one go.
  8. H, There are more members here in the UK than in the USA (take a look at the member map). There are a number of people who remanufacture parts and have become specialists in specific machines. Personally as my hobby I supply the majority of Ransomes MG spares. Please do not take this as a critisism of your thoughts but the problems of what you suggest are many fold. CNC machines (Computer Numerically Controlled) are very expensive and take several forms plus specific tooling can seriously add costs. I have a reliable number of suppliers who do manufacture parts on my behalf when I do not have the facilities but it can take many years before I see any return on investments made. Establishing precise engineering specifications for parts can take many years of research and may just not have sufficient returns to cover time and costs. Safety is a paramount concern for some parts and manufacture would probably be avoided by anybody charging for the part. Many of our parts are very heavy and some owners around the world have to suffer huge carriage costs whch restricts demand. If your friend has access to specific machines and skills he could off these on the site or VHGMC. These are only my observations and not trying to put you off trying which I applaud and I wish you good luck and success. Stay Safe. Neil
  9. I know very little about the Bristol 20 track but have been asked if I could make replacement rubbers as I manufacture replacements for the Ransomes MG. Currently I have no idea what they might look like other than they are very different to the MG ones so any help would be very helpful. If I believe I can make them I will get some old parts from the person asking for them but he does not wish to strip a track if there is no opportunity to replace the rubbers. Thanks in advance. Stay Safe Neil
  10. I have finally taken delivery of new Amal 244 brass floats for the Ransomes tractors. Contact me if you need one. Stay Safe. Neil
  11. I now have Ransomes MG2 replacement steel flywheels in stock and soon hope to have new brass carburettor floats available. Neil
  12. I am happy to say I will be getting a delivery of replacement steel flywheels for Ransomes MG2 tractors. I took the decision to commission a number of these to be manufactured to help with the common breakage issue. I will not get another batch machined so first come first served. £205.00 plus carriage. Contact me on njarrett@btinternet.com Stay Safe. Neil
  13. I am investigating getting a batch of metal floats manufactured for the Amal 244 carburettor used on Ransomes MG crawlers. Indicated costs would be £80.00 so need to see what people think. Please let me know. Neil
  14. We need to get some serious commitments to order these before we could consider manufacture due to the set up costs. If you do think you need a flywheel please do not sit back and wait for them to be available as currently it appears there is not enough demand.
  15. Jonathan, Maybe worth trying Oakham Treasures.
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