vegikev 126 #76 Posted June 29, 2014 hi all, just to let you know that we now have 46 entries for biddenden tractorfest and room for more so if you would like to come along please pm me and we can sort out the forms. the horticultural section will have a bbq lit on saturday eve so all you need to bring is what you want to eat.we also have a working area which will be timed to fit in around other events on far we have a great versatiller display, wheelhorses, a holder, a coleby(made in kent) a 100 year old weeks dungey hop tractor, hand tools including seeders, hoes and a collection of smaller hand tools, a ransomes crawler, auto cultos, anzani iron horse and motor hoes, colwoods and more….. well done and thanks to all who have entered so far Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #77 Posted June 29, 2014 Hi Kev, I have just edited your above post so it all fits in mate Well done on the entry list, hope you get a few more in... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #78 Posted June 29, 2014 did it not fit??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #79 Posted June 29, 2014 No the text line was too long and when it appears on here there were some words missing off the end of each line, it does it to me as well... Its all there now... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #81 Posted June 29, 2014 No worries Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #82 Posted July 12, 2014 well good afternoon from sunny kent, i am very pleased to confirm that we have 19 exhibitors for the show making up 65 entries from awning displays, bmb ploughmates, versatillers, ransomes crawlers , colwoods, mowers and seeders as well as the made in kent entries. i have now ordered the passes which will be sent to exhibiters as soon as i get them. i would like to thank everyone who is supporting this show in its second year and help it progress forward. i will be attending a site meeting on the 20th of july so if you have any queries please contact me and will help you out. again many thanks to all involved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #83 Posted July 12, 2014 Top job Mr Castle, looking forward to the show !! 1 vegikev reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rotoscytheben 94 #84 Posted July 12, 2014 Top job Mr Castle, looking forward to the show !! so am i 1 vegikev reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #85 Posted July 12, 2014 What are you taking Ben, the entire Boadicea collection ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #86 Posted July 18, 2014 Any updates Kev, how many entries are we up to now ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #87 Posted July 18, 2014 hi paul, officially 65 but a few more late ones are in the post, a good number i think. last year we had 27 horticultural machines and 7 stationary engines. not sure about the stationary engines this year as they have a seperate section but we have more than doubled our section and i have not added the loan exhibits ( weeks) yet until ive been down there to finalise things 2 Ian and steve d reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #88 Posted July 18, 2014 That's great mate, steady progress each year is the way to go 2 vegikev and steve d reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 2,417 #89 Posted July 19, 2014 More than 65 entries!! Wow it's going to be a great show.. Nice going kev Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #90 Posted July 20, 2014 When is this event taking place as I will be in Sussex (Robertsbridge) in mid August (15/8 to 24/8) for my holiday. It would be good to introduce myself and more importantly have a look at what there is. Cheers Andrew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the showman 4,074 #91 Posted July 20, 2014 Its on the 23/24 august Andrew, which I think is the bank holiday Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #92 Posted July 20, 2014 Great, I will make the effort to go on the Saturday. Will there be many Wheel Horses and Bolens on show? I will be a visitor though. Andrew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #93 Posted July 20, 2014 hi andrew, the show is on saturday 23rd and sunday 24th, i hope this does not affect your plans to visit as it would be great to see you and meet other members..... there will be tea and coffee waiting for you there will be wheelhorses and at least one bolens at the show, including the trachorse and 6x6 raider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #94 Posted July 20, 2014 Very kind offer of a cup of tea and a chance to meet the Southern members as well. more than likely be there on the Saturday. Thanks Andrew 2 Ian and vegikev reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #95 Posted July 20, 2014 one or two from up country aswell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #96 Posted July 20, 2014 here is a link to the show site........ the field on the right is the car park. the entrance is on the right edge. horticultural working are is top left of same field the field lower left field is an arena and trades/ crafts fair etc upper left field is another arena , tractors, cars, archery, stationary engines . we will be in this field to the upper right corner and spreading both ways from the corner about 15-20m depth behind us. also behind us is the entrance to our working area Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegikev 126 #97 Posted July 20, 2014 hi all after a site meeting today i can confirm that we will all be in our own little horti-village for camping/ displaying and working with the arena entrance just a pop pop bang away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel 1,880 #98 Posted July 20, 2014 i went along to the site meeting today with kev and ethan and we sorted out the last major problems that might of arisen and its looking very good for us all. Now kev has done a lot of work on sorting out the horti section and should be commended for all his hard work , any help from local members would be very welcome from the wednesday onwards as there is a lot to do ie, fences safety barriers ect to erect 3 pmackellow, Ian and rotoscytheben reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 2,417 #99 Posted July 20, 2014 i went along to the site meeting today with kev and ethen and we sorted out the last major problems that might of arisen and its looking very good for us all. Now kev has done a lot of work on sorting out the horti section and should be commended for all his hard work , any help from local members would be very welcome from the wednesday onwards as there is a lot to do ie, fences safety barriers ect to erect I'm all up helping out for a very good cause, count me in Very kind offer of a cup of tea and a chance to meet the Southern members as well. more than likely be there on the Saturday. Thanks Andrew We look forward to meeting you Andrew, it's going to be a great show. 1 nigel reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rotoscytheben 94 #100 Posted July 20, 2014 i can help out but it would have to be after 5pm as i will be at work in tenterden 1 nigel reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites