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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    rolloman 1

    Almond valley Vintage show

    Hi Paul Yes I was very pleased with display thanks for your comments
  2. 1 point

    Now what to do with them?

    Got quite a bit done today. Took the wheels up to the farm and burnt out the centres. Back home and into the lathe to clean them up. Then it was the turn of the hubs. They had to be bored out from 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 bore. The eagle eyed will have noticed a chunk out of that hub. Not my doing. Like that when I got it. Honest Guv! The sleeves, as they now are, were inserted into the hubs. The sleeves were dimpled through the hub securing bolt holes and the bolts fitted. Next I drilled through hub and sleeve, tapping out 3/8 UNC to take a couple of grub screws. New keys were then made and then the assemblies fitted the drive shafts. I was going to fit two grub screws in each hub, but two was all I could find. So a good day in the workshop and that part of whatever is going to evolve finished. Next thing I think will be a chassis.
  3. 1 point

    Now what to do with them?

    Exercise caution if you split the box, they are usually held together with steel taptite self-threading screws. Steel into alloy, plus moisture and the passage of time equals seized screws and a possibility of sheared screws; at which point the law od Dr Sodt takes over.
  4. 1 point

    Now what to do with them?

    Reverse works, Nigel. If I lose it some time in the future I'll have a look.
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