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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Slumbering Westwood

    This lives at work, it hasn't moved in the 9 1/2 years that I've been there. I'm not sure if the deck is still around or went in a scrap clearout.
  2. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    C-125 Rebuild.

    Lets us know, we'll have to print them, will give you a good deal
  3. 1 point

    C-125 Rebuild.

    Managed to get quite a bit done today. One or two hiccups, but a good day. Got the engine painted this morning and the paint dried quite quickly. By lunch time it was back in place. Next I fitted the drive belt and this was when I hit problem number one. As you can see in the photo', the bottom run is under the brake pedal. Should be over the top. So foot plate had to be loosened, the pedal moved out and the operating rod disconnected from the pedal. Got that correct and moved on to the P.T.O. This provided a little snag, as the support bar would not connect to the pulley spindle. Cured that by taking everything off again and moving the drive pulley further in. It wasn't quite fully on by about 1/16". Just enough to prevent support bar connecting with the shaft. All OK now. Fuel pump is now refitted along with governor linkage. Finally I thought it a good idea to fill the engine with oil, which I duly did. After which I did a bit of tidying up before returning to the tractor. Then I SAW IT. A big puddle of oil under the tractor. The C-125 has a tube attached to where the drain plug would be. I'd forgotten to fit it.
  4. 1 point
    Morning all, no progress has been made on Wheel-Vo at all in quite a while, all the parts have been carefully stashed away until I get MadTrax finished, but some thinking has been happening.. The nice slot mags that came from a CX trike a long long time ago were dug out to see how they looked.. Me rather likes To get the wheels to fit the Volvo axle I'm going to have to make a pair of wheel adaptors as the PCD on the wheels is a lot bigger than the Volvo PCD.. The trike the wheels came from was running (we think) an Escort rear axle using these adaptors to get the wheel to fit!!! The thought of putting any power through these is scary to say the least!! But as luck would have it I did make a start on a pair of wheel adaptors to fit these very wheels onto Project Why Not which saves some work although there is still plenty of lathe time needed to finish them.. When I start back on this project the first job is to tempoary widen/lengthen/make a bit taller all the panels until the "upscaling?" looks right and of course the engine and other bit's are covered by the bodywork.. Then I can start measuring for a chassis and try to work out how to get suspension under the thing.. No suspension (like Why Not) would be easier, but Why Not gave my body such a hammering that I don't think plonking a cushion on seat would be enough
  5. 1 point


    Another update. The telescopic steering shaft was made from square box section tube, welded to the U/J which in turn plugged into the lower sprocket on the trailer. The inner sliding part was a length of 1/2" square bar filed to a nice sliding fit. This was drilled and threaded then screwed tightly onto the round rod which formed the other half of the shaft. A pin through the square bar and rod made sure nothing moved. A short extra piece was added later to give a bit more bearing surface although probably not needed. A bit of surface rust showing since it's last use. The large threaded hole is a left over from it's last life. The second photo shows it in it's storage position, held in place with the throttle cable. The trailer is disconnected by removing the throttle lever from the steering yoke, one screw, pulling the coupling pin and moving the trailer back which slides the two shaft sections apart. Coupling all together is just as simple. The throttle cable had to be extended to approx twice it's length. Think it was originally fitted to a lawn mower. Couldn't find anything suitable on the internet. The inner was 1mm. Most others found were 1.25 or 1.5mm. I could have opened up the cable slot in the carb piston but decided against this as after a bit of hunting found 1mm inner cable was available from China. A 5 metre length for £1 25 including postage. A 2 metre length of outer sleeve was found in the UK but couldn't find this to match the inner in China. Strange. After careful measurement the inner was cut to length and a short piece of brass tube soldered on one end. The carb top, outer sleeve etc was assembled followed by the lever end nipple being soldered in place. After connecting to the trailer everything was found to operate smoothly and with approx the same amount of movement as the original cable. This photo shows the new inner and brass tube nipple alongside the old.
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