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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Advanced engine products fan

    I just got Advanced Engine Products Incorporated gas engine fire department fan it needs two cycle oil what kind of oil or should I use in what proportion to the gasoline. Can anyone help?
  2. 1 point

    Micro Power mini bike build

    Since these little bikes are so rare and don't come up for sale very often, I decided to build a repop. Doubtful I would spend the money these things get even when they do show up for sale, so this is most likely the only way to add one to the collection. Bending the pipe looked pretty easy to begin with but I had to do quite a few just to get twins of each. Making a template and making a better bender would be much easier to reproduce exact copies but since I don't have exact dimensions except for some basic height and length, making templates is too difficult to scale the size from pics. Once I get exact dimensions of certain points from an original maybe I can make a bender and a template to achieve a more accurate reproduction. So for now it was lots of back and forth referencing pics and lots of guessing, this came out fairly close but think the seat needs to move forward. It took a few tries to get a tool made for doing the flat ends of the pipe where the wheels mount too so they look right. It's was being worked on for the last few weeks here and there and I stop whenever I hit a road block but get back to it later with fresh eyes and typically a new approach will work out. Got to this point today which is enough to post some pics. Think the handle bars are a bit too wide as they are but intentionally left them long since they can always be cut. Banana seat caused some headaches with bending twins. The original flat seat would be much easier. Getting ready to weld the engine support. Threw on a recoil so it looks more O&R and set a tank on there. The O&R tank will probably stay instead of a larger original type tank And here's what it's supposed to represent
  3. 1 point

    Regina Champ generator Model No. 110

    I've had this for some time, it was seized & a previous owner had removed the cylinder without freeing up the piston resulting in a snapped con-rod. I dissembled it a few years ago & managed to remove the piston intact, unfortunately the rings are stuck for good, I suspect it got run without any oil. The engine has been in bits in this biscuit tin for far too long, it's time to clean & rebuild it. David
  4. 1 point

    Comet drill?

    I bought this drill thinking it was a Drillgine, but after looking at the Comet pump thread this morning, I'm now thinking it is a Comet. I'm wondering if it is complete, as it has no throttle or governor speed selector on it. It appears near new, and was found in the attic of an old hardware store that was liquidated. This is the condition as I received it. Looking for some expert opinions!
  5. 1 point
    My first O & R chainsaw project had the same wire pinch with corresponding results. I used liquid tape and routed it properly.
  6. 1 point

    Advanced engine products fan

    Forgot to comment on that decal. Never saw one like that and the word "INDUSTRIAL" is quite comical. Those carbs are anything but industrial.
  7. 1 point

    Advanced engine products fan

    That's the fuel line I think you're seeing on the carburetor it says choke half and open
  8. 1 point

    Regina Champ generator Model No. 110

    Interesting exhaust, you don’t see those tube extensions very often. I’m assuming it’s just hollow or are there baffles inside?
  9. 1 point

    Regina Champ generator Model No. 110

    Something else I noticed when I took it apart further, the wire for the coil primary to the points/condenser had been incorrectly routed & had got crushed between the magneto plate & cylinder, this will need sleeving. The HT lead also has damage to the insulation. Most of the parts got cleaned outside earlier, apart from the rusty exhaust it's all cleaned up nicely. David
  10. 1 point

    Micro Power mini bike build

    Thanks Building it so I can race Terry on his skateboard. Already have the little generator with one headlight and the tail light, been debating on whether or not to add the second light or just go cyclops. Still have lots to do like cut the handle bars and add the springs inside them, make fenders, kick stand, paint etc etc. Not sure how I'm going to do the throttle yet but probably just go with a small trigger type. The originals were internal wire. So far can't find small enough brakes and a drum to fit in the small 4" rims. Bought a set but they don't fit right so still working on that too
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