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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hi all A great day at the Workshop on Saturday morning resulted in this Tractor coming out to a great cheer , It has been quite an interesting Project to get running with a big learning curve for me on diesel engines and Clutches , Some more work to do on the Tracks and wipe it down with a oily rag i think and finally enjoy having it hope you like i ,I think its superb
  2. 1 point


    Came home from a walk today and spotted this little fellow down the track. Helping himself from to some apples dumped there. Not seen any deer for quite some time. He's the second one I saw today. First was as I was walking round far off in a field
  3. 1 point

    flywheel key - easy to make

    I took the flywheel off to clean the points. When I reinstalled the flywheel I was tightening the nut with about a 6" long combination wrench. Suddenly it didn't feel like it was tightening anymore or like something was yielding. I didn't know the torque spec but was nowhere near 90 inch lbs. Anyway I fired it up and it ran fine for a minute or so while I measured voltage and frequency and then the engine quit. I noticed the flywheel had slipped and sheared the aluminum key. After making the new key I reinstalled it and used my torque wrench, this time set to 90 inch lbs, and the stud broke at about 70 inch lbs. Examining the break, from the color I could tell it had been partially broken long before I got the generator. Since then I have drilled and threaded the crank for a stud. The crank seems to be hardened and is difficult to drill but I got sufficient depth to install the threaded stud. Tomorrow I'll probably try reinstalling the flywheel and running it again.
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