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Charlie Smith

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Charlie Smith last won the day on May 18 2015

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About Charlie Smith
  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/09/1997
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  • Location
    West Sussex
  • Interests
    Garden Tractors
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  1. Good Evening all, sadly the time has come and the wheel horse has to find a new paddock for grazing, I'd much rather another enthusiast buy her and still give it the love and care it deserves, I unfortunately I don't get the time anymore to give her any love she hasn't been out the shed for well over a year now. many of you have seen it around at the shows, it starts runs and drives nice, although it could probably do with an oil and plug change as shes been sitting for a little while now. its still got the home made weight bracket and weight box on the front but I no longer have the trailer or the plough nor the snow/dozer blade frame that can be seen in the pictures, it has 4 new chevron/cleat agri tyres I also changed the head gasket in 2016 its got new lengths of fuel line and a new inline filter. the tractor still has its original patina and I have the original paperwork and sales bag and the date of first registration with surrey council all of this will be included in the sale, I could go on to talk about this machine for a long time but ill leave it here if there is anything more you would like to know please ask as ill be more than happy to answer any questions or get more photos if required, £500 o.v.n.o unfortunately I cannot add any more images to this topic however I am more than happy to email a few more over if you want. Charlie.
  2. Doesn't look like a bad project! Should make a real sturdy trailer once you've finished with it! Look forward to seeing it restored,
  3. Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith

  4. I never thought about timing, flywheel is dead solid on the shaft as have been in there having a look, but what's best then? Use a puller to get the flywheel off and have a look?
  5. Hello all, the picture I have attached isn't of mine. But it's as good as identical! I've been going crazy all day! I've changed spark plugs cleaned carbs air filters etc everything and I cannot get the engine to fire, not even cough, the spark is very strong and efficient? However no go? I've even tried pouring petrol in the plug hole but no luck? Nowhat to me this isn't normal? Surely a spark and petrol would at least make a bang? Checked compression and that's strong. I'm lost can you help? Cheers
  6. Amazing quality of work there! Big well done!
  7. Thank you for that great information and pictures Paul! You're definitely the man in the know when it comes to landmasters I knew I heard the name on here somewhere! I thought it was you that had the collection. I have replied to your PM.
  8. Evening all, I picked this up today and I'm not entirely sure what it is, its not the normal shape mini tractor look alike ride on it's one of them snapper ride on's, the surface rust is all over however its not rot anywhere even the deck is solid and everything is free turning. I poured some petrol into the plug hole and she fired up, shouldn't need to much to get it running and driving again, it is chain driven from the gearbox to the rear axle. it says landmaster on it? I'm pretty sure I've heard that name thrown about on here? Can anyone tell me what this is? and is it worth keeping and restoring? or is it just a common muck? Many Thanks Charlie.
  9. Evening Paul. I shall let him know about it, hes not very computer savvy so probably wont be joining us here anytime soon. hes always looking for different shows so i'll get back to you on that!
  10. Great photos Paul, It was a nice weekend away overall the weather was kind to us on Friday whilst we were setting up camp. Woke up Saturday morning to a few inches of water all around us, good job none of us had tents! but the wind and breaks of sun soon dried that up, Sunday was rather warm as was Monday however the wind really picked up Monday, I noticed a few bent awnings around the camp fields. Indeed that is my wheel horse raider 10, along with my grandfather's freshly restored Cub Cadet Original, the chap who brought my cub cadet was also at the rally however he left it in the trailer and never showed it all weekend!
  11. I picked up this Ferguson TEA-20 the other day along with a few other goodies, (posted on here somewhere) I haven't managed to found much out about the tractor as of yet, only that it was sold new local to me, (SUSSEX TRACTORS LTD, 33 THE HIGH STREET UCKFIELD) I received the log book the other day and I am the 6th owner from new, the old boy I brought it from had owned it since January 1999. Ill keep this thread going with the stages from the restoration, I started on it this week and have replaced the head gasket along with all the other top gaskets (Manifolds, Thermostat, Rocker Cover etc) The head gasket was leaking quite badly and when I removed the head it was clear why... none of the other gaskets needed replacing but seeing it come in a kit with all the new top end gaskets I replaced them whilst I was there... I finally got it back together this afternoon and took it for a nice drive this evening, no leaks from any of the gaskets! Next on my list is to replace all the filters and change the engine oil, and then change the transmission/hydraulics oil, once I've done that I will then be ordering lots of new bits and start to get it ready for painting and refitting all new shiny bits once its painted up! I'll keep you updated! The little man got a bit excited when he knew he was going out on 'fergie' Oh and he tried telling me how to fix it with his screwdriver!
  12. Well today I picked up my new toy(s) to keep my busy this year. As most of you know I've wanted a bigger scale tractor for a while now and the right opportunity came along last week. I will still be exhibiting my smaller rides on's at many shows and meets along with you lot but I now have something different to play with as well!.... can never have enough! An old boy was selling his 1950 Ferguson TEA-20 tractor so I went and had a look, Its far from mint, but it starts, drives and all hydraulics work perfectly (the brake are a bit sharp too ) It needs a restoration over the summer and thankfully new parts are readily available and at a quite cheap cost as well. I plan on replacing all the taps, caps, hoses, nuts, bolts, seat cushion and steering wheel etc, along with all new oils and filters and of course give it a good all round service. I haven't done much to it today in fact nothing at all, only check the oils and then go for a quick play over the back fields however all the name plates have been painted over out of curiosity I sat and scratched one off and it revealed a plate that read. SUSSEX TRACTOR LTD Ferguson Main Dealers 33 THE HIGH STREET, UCKFIELD so it turns out it started its life not very far from me at all. I was very happy with the deal we had come up with and thought It cant get much better.... but then it did, the old boy was pleased I am going to restore it and show it again, after a chat he chucked in 2 Lister D engines with loads of spares, a water pump for the engines and some sort of root cutter. I already have one of these Lister D type engines so that now makes 3 of them Here is some pictures, I hope to keep you all updated as and when I do bits and bobs to the machines!
  13. Happy Birthday pal, have a good day!
  14. CC Original, that has been operated on, and didn't quite successfully go back together again! I'd like to have it just for the fenders/mud guards! Is it still for sale?!?!
  15. I am selling my box trailer, I brought this last year with intentions of tidying it up over the winter ready for use this summer at the shows, however circumstances have now changed and I want to take more than one tractor at a time so this sadly won't be big enough. It's perfect for the one tractor and some others items. I like the idea of box trailers as your machines can be tucked and locked away at night however like mentioned above this just wont be big enough so I haven't put any effort into cleaning it up. It's 6ft x 4ft and currently has metal sides and roof however they are not very good at all, they hold in solid we have towed it at least 50 miles as it is and tows fine but it deffiantly requires a tidy up. The bottom of the sides have rotted away and there is a big hole in the roof, the sides can be repaired by welding etc. However the easiest and cheapest option would be to ply wood line the roof, sides and floor as the floor is missing. There is 2 very good tyres on it including 1 new-ish spare wheel that bolts on the front, has 2 rear jacks and a lockable rear door that opens on a piano hinge (bit stiff and knocked about), also has a jockey wheel that's fine,and a small tool box on the front but that has seen better days. The frame/chassis is very solid heavy duty box iron and the box frame is very solid, it’s just the sides, floor and roof that let it down, but nothing a bit of plywood can’t sort out. Would make an ideal camping trailer, or a trailer for you to move your machines about. £100.
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