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Everything posted by JUST O&R
  1. I was hopping for the good stuff lol
  2. You just need to dived them between the rest of us scene your not collecting them any more.
  3. Well I'm camera shy . That why you don't see me on the toby-cart
  4. That would be a problem for sure . If that doesn't work let us know we can fine you some points. I have found most of the time they will clean up you need to remember this are 50 years old + or-
  5. I had a member walk in to my shop today. I have been talking on line for quit some time now . I didn't think it would happen but there he was its not often you meet someone that you talk to on line. It was great Clint was passing threw on his way to a meeting in Knoxville and came rite by here glad he could stop for a while. ( once in a lifetime) .
  6. Rich someone on here can get you the carb parts one way or another. You found the rite place The tanks come up on ebay every now and then they are a little harder to come by. they are like air filters and mufflers and baffles they get taken off and there gone. Just let us know if we can help. David will be along soon he will help you with the year. ( he is the best we have)
  7. Welcome Never used a nova on an o&r product all went OEM Ive seen them work on a lot of other things. Normally just clean or replace the point never had a problem. is it a new plug ??? Seen plugs bad.
  8. Welcome Rich. The tank is definitely the wrong tank looks like the bent the original tank bracket to install that tank. You should be able to see the number just under the tank bracket and beside the carb on the block. If you get those numbers David can help you with that. He will have a good idea just buy looking.
  9. David there was no one to keep an eye on us and we tend to run wild. I will half to work on it.
  10. I think my cutter got lost in the mail so ill have Clint cut me a few too. They actually look pretty good
  11. Very nice didn't know they made all of those tools. Just went threw the post and check them out very very cool.
  12. Will how ever you do it it will look good (it an o&r ) It would be nice to get someone to make the decals. looking good keep up the good work.
  13. well does it still exist ??? This sound like an m&m commercial
  14. Looking good . Whats wrong with the fuel tank that was on it when you got it???
  15. David now that would have been real helpful a few days ago You must have seen the shaft hole was a little off. Made the template and them put it on the wrong side of the bracket for the shaft. I then had to make the hole bigger so the shaft fit. thanks David never looked at the drawings
  16. You just have it in the back of the shop so we cant see it.
  17. No clue I looked at it but just have a lot to do so passed on it . Ask Clint he seem to end up with all the stuff that we cant afford. lol
  18. We well send what I have . I have no yellow but we can do red if that's ok seriously I will send you the mounts tomorrow just need to paint them . gear box bracket needs to be drilled . we need to see pics .
  19. John got the bracket done just got to clean it up and paint it pink for you. It will go out tomorrow do you need anything? did you have old stock decals I have a nos 1hp compact III and a recoil one looks purple but it should be black. I guess it only 55years old that if you still would like to ck into getting some made?
  20. Well I think I will let that j engine sit on the shelf. I will get that plate done and on its way soon. Clint is going to be in SC next week and he is stopping buy on the way threw. I will send the brackets with him. They might be like the gaskets thew we may never see them again They will be on the way soon.
  21. John it was great talking to you last night I thing my wife hates this things I spend more time with these then with her. Got the brackets for the engine done centered up looks good. Side plate you have 5 3/8 square corner pic 1This looks a little to big . I cut the template down a little and rounded the corners pic 2 let me know what you think ( this pics have my f engine so that's what it should look like )
  22. john Where getting there just have a few questions.
  23. I thing the shaft on the f is in a different location.
  24. The h engine is not the same but I think the f that I have is I sent you a message to get specifics.
  25. John does the mounting bracket to the block need to be centered. I see you have some movement from side to side. Just need to make sure your belt lines up. My h engine has the same gearbox so that's will be simple.
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