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Everything posted by tvenetis
  1. Thanks Bob since the oil for 2 strokes are better today than they were years ago can I run my ohlsson with chain saw mix thanks.
  2. Thanks the air filter is 1 piece. I removed a carburetor from a engine I bought and it had 2 gaskets instead of 1 gasket and what is the proper way to remove the governor and shaft. It gets fatter at 1 end of the shaft.
  3. I thought it was por 15 but it is called cream like what you used. I put it on the plate and tank and tomorro I will put gas in it. I got another engine for parts and it came with either a air filter or exhaust so are they the same except for the phome in it? There is no phome in this one could have been cleaned out.
  4. Bob I have por 15 that should work if I put it on the surfaces and clamp it lightly?
  5. What kind of gas proof sealer should I use.
  6. i took the generator off the tank which is part of the frame. There is a side plate on the tank that should come off with a heat gun.
  7. Bob I bought it from another person who sells things at swap shows. For one thing I could not get 1 screw that had the points plate on so I gbent the cover up to get to the points. I believe the tank is part of the frame just the side plate comes off with a heat gun? Can I use the apoxy that you mix in your hand until it gets warm? thank you.
  8. The gas tank is the larger one a long side of the engine.
  9. I got my tiny tiger running with the new flapper and diaphragm I installed with help but the bottom of the fuel tank leaks slightly. It is the first time that gas was put in it. I bought it new old stock from a friend.
  10. Bob my email is tvenetis@optonline.net
  11. Hi Bob yes can't figure out how to access the screw and also do you need procedure for holding the rope on the recoil spool using wire thanks.
  12. On the carburetor how do you loosen the top inside screw that holds it on to the engine. There is no room to get a screw driver straight on the screw. Thank you.
  13. Hi Bob  What is the procedure in tieing the rope on the spool with a piece of wire thanks.

  14. I am also looking for a starter paw that goes on a pin on the flywheel thanks.
  15. Since I can't see pictures is there text on how to wire the rope on the spool?
  16. Bob I am referring to the piece that goes on top of the thick gasket that is held on by a screw and the need valve nut.
  17. On my tiny tiger it runs okay but the flapper gasket is missing. What is the purpose of that flapper thanks.
  18. A friend came over and helped me put it together. So the pin just sits in the grove after you put the arm in?
  19. I accidentally dropped the diaphragm body on my conter and the lever fell out. What holds the lever in. thanks
  20. When you replace the diaphragm does the gasket go on top of the diaphragm then the cover with the button goes on? thanks.
  21. Hi does any one know where I can get a gas tank for the Ohlsson .60 thanks.
  22. I am looking for carburetor and governor for ohlsson and rice drill and also the fitting that the needle valve screws in to for a ohlsson water pump thanks.
  23. I finally got it wound. I took small vice grips and I held the spring near where it fits on to the spool. Then I held the vice grips in a vice and wound the spring then I took another small vice grips and squezed the spring so it would not unwind. I took the middle vice grips off and dropped the spring in the housing.
  24. Thanks I tried that but it is hard to hold the center from uncoiling.
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