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Everything posted by tvenetis
  1. I have a magnet charger maybe I will make a jig to remagnetize the flywheel. I just set the points at .020 they were a little closer but the same conditions.
  2. Thanks John I will check the spring. can you get extra springs? When I spin the flywheel by hand there is no spark.
  3. NowI have to pull the recoil fast to get some spark and slow no spark. Is that the coil or condenser. The points are clean and gapped.
  4. Hi John did you get a chance to listen to my engine on youtube I posted the link?
  5. Hi John are both seals the same size on the crank shaft
  6. Yes I am going to try break fluid I was asking about seals if I ever find replacements thank you
  7. Is there a way I can upload a video so someone can tell me what they think is wrong? The video is over 16 mb to upload it. I gapped the points .020 iI put new diaphragm in the carburetor and made sure the carb was clean.
  8. What do people use to unscrew the cylinder thanks.
  9. I was wondering what else would make my tiny tiger misfire. I replaced the coil condenser points and made sure thery were clean. I have a video of it running but not sure if I could atach it.
  10. Thanks do you know the sizes of them and how do you remove them thanks.
  11. Is there a procedure written up on how to change the crank seals thanks.
  12. I put that cap on the points spring to keep the points from shifting on the pin and after it warms up runs good thanks. Bob v can you send me a email lost your address.
  13. I looked at another engine on the points setup and on my tiny tiger there is no piece that is supposed to fit on the points spring pin to shield the points cover so maybe it is grounding the cover to the points so I am going to fix that tomorro
  14. it does not back fire it just stumbles then sometimes it will run okay.
  15. My tiny tiger runs iratically and I tried adjusting it, I canged the condenser and coil with no difference. Could the points cover have something to do with maybe grounding out the points? I gapped the points at 20 thousandths.
  16. Thanks got the governor shaft in in to the carburetor but what holds it in there the recoil housing?
  17. I am putting a new governor in a ohlsson drill and the gromet is not hard but after I put the gromet in the engine it is hard to get the governor shaft to start in the hole because it is wider on that end. How do you get the shaft started.
  18. Dave did they use the same ohlsson engines that were on the tiny tiger ones? I can't see pictures
  19. I finally fixed the rope after I got the wire right. I also tied a knot on the end of the string so it would not pull out of the wire loop.
  20. I can get the wire in 1 hole but it is tough to put the wire down the middle to go through the second hole.
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