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Everything posted by tvenetis
  1. John not sure if you saw my post about slowing tiny tiger down so it produces 60 hertz
  2. I am putting new rings on a 13b engine and trying to squeze them and put the cylinder on with no luck. Does some one know of another way to compress the rings? thanks.
  3. How do they slow the generator down so it produces 60 hertz or 120 volts.
  4. Factory I can't see pictures is the replacement piston and rings have fatter rings.
  5. Were the rings in the set 400560 wider or the same as the a33-13
  6. Does any one know the number of the thin and thick rings for ohlsson 13 b engine or the tiny tiger engine thanks.
  7. I finally got my drill running the ball was stuck in the carburetor finally runs great.
  8. Thank you I found the rings on ebay. Is this what you are referring to https://www.ebay.com/itm/290968918314?hash=item43bf19592a:g:WQgAAOxyW1NREnny&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoGetUC2OtkDW5MhC26NEMS08NZcAHKZs0nEUHDF1P8P4WpZ%2BC%2Bs3idGGK67%2F8p%2BXdV6wUM0NvRYoBrz3sUqE2b1H%2Bu95Lt8UrBFOBM3WjuscMjbyl%2FYseEZ1giC4bt8QZLpPQtS6EnuaU%2FyxiLSpomJYHs6J4d7HWfItW%2BK6lLJkbJU2mD8bm5Z5er3fzRZmQCQXRF%2FVIMxv31jdQEDiz3s%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7748pi2YQ
  9. Thank you. Does any one still sell those rings?
  10. I have a hard time reading the manual. Does any know the part number for rings for a 13b chicken power engine thanks.
  11. I remember from the other ohlsson forum they were talking about using another carburetor but I did not follow up on it. Does any one know anything about that?
  12. On the chicken power 13 b the nipple on the carb is loose. Is there a way to fix that or can some one tell me the number of the piece I have to find. I can't read the manual thanks.
  13. I am putting a new rope on a chicken power recoil 13 b engine and I put the knot on the spool comming out the flywheel side and it rubbs when I tighten the recoil. If I put it on the spring side it interferes with the spring.
  14. some one helped me pack small bearings so now I am reassembling the chichken power gearbox. There is a small gear that goes on the stepped shaft but I am not sure what that does because it does not contack any other gear it is raised up before you put the top cover on thanks. I found out that was not a gear but bearings went in the notches of that piece.
  15. I am going to put the piston on the connecting rod but how do they pack those small bearings on to the connecting rod?
  16. Thanks but I am referring to the crankshaft bearings that go in to the bottom half of the engine. You can't pack the bearings in the engine first because there is a part in the block that flares out above where the bearings would fit in the block. it looks like a washer to prevent the bearings from moving. I have a picture of what I am talking about I took a bolt and wedged the head against what I thought was a washer and tapped it out. It was the outer race of the bearing. I have to try and repack it with the needle bearings and put it on the crank and carefully drive it in the hole again.
  17. I am trying to put the bearings on the crank shaft but the grease does not allow them to stick on it.
  18. I have a chicken power engine i am working on which has the square recoil on it and I was told it is a 13 b
  19. I am putting the crankshaft flywheel side in a 13 b engine but it is hard to pack the needle bearings in the block because there is a overhang piece just over where the bearings sit so do you put the bearings on the crank then drop it in the block?
  20. If you can find the seal part numbers this guy on ebay sells new parts but he does not really which ohlsson they fit his user name is dozerdude1:
  21. I just found out there is different sizes of connecting rod where it fits on to the crank and different sizes of crank. Does any one know what part number rod I need for the 13b engine, I found a crank part.
  22. I left the thin plastic off and I found a spring with less coils and now it retracts okay. On another engine I was replacing the crank and when I went to unscrew the cylinder the connecting rod broke and I was able to tap the piston out of the cylinder without damage. How do you remove the clips that hold the wrist pin to the piston.
  23. It is a thin piece probably made of plastic. It seems like the knot that comes out of the hole on the spring side of the spool rubbs on the spring. How would you prevent that.
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