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Posts posted by Webhead

  1. It's like a rubber flapper inside the brass fitting, hence the reason you should not use harsh solvents. If working correctly, you should be able to blow through one side, but not the other, in essence, a check valve. Drilling it out and eliminating the check valve is what we do if soaking and cleaning it does not work, or if we don't want it to cause problems down the line. The early ones did not have them and they are a nice feature, but not necessary. The rubber tipped lever is another story....I'll let someone else elaborate.

  2. I have an Octura engine with the high performance rotary valve installed in my White Heat, instead of the feather valve. It makes the engine sound much meaner and probably increases power output. That would be a pleasant surprise if yours has one. David, have you ever seen any paperwork on the rotary valve?

  3. 3 hours ago, factory said:


    Did they know much about it or the engine used? Prices could temporarily go up again if they have created more interest.


    Do you know what episode it was in, as apparently this programme is shown in the UK as well?



    I believe it was named "Twist and Scout", an episode where he finds the Indian motorcycle of his dreams. It was on this past Thursday.

    3 hours ago, Wallfish said:

    Now I'm think'n Joe was just mess'n around with me.

    Can't see the engine mount in the pics besides the piece coming from the front.

    Is that light powered by one of those old school bicycle type generators which ride on the tire to turn it?

    I'll need a pipe flaring tool to do the handle bar connections

    It is an old school generator type light.

  4. Had an old O&R customer last night call me to string up a new line on his rewind spool. He owns a family practitioner clinic and said he'd pay me in N95 masks.....Should I do it?

    Told him about this forum, hope he joins..

  5. 29 minutes ago, factory said:


    I can't comment on value for these as I haven't seen enough sold, but a nice boxed Tiny Tiger generator can go for that sort of price and they are far more common.



    David, remember, there are no eBay/paypal fees if you sell on this forum, not to mention, it may have been worth more a week ago. Who's wallet is wide open right now?

  6. That's true, but it didn't take long for me to talk my son in to doing it. He thought he was cool because of all of the attention that he was getting. Only thing, his mother wasn't too happy with the 2 cycle oil spray from the exhaust on his new sneakers. We had fun with it, though. He's now going to school to be a mechanical engineer and hopefully he will find interest in it again, one day.

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