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    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Powered Halicki Skate Board 1960's (aka Toby Cart)   
    The worst parts was getting the model ans serial numbers off.

  2. Like
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    Got the H engine today not bad tank need a little T.L.C. coil shot will need to change turns over good
    I think just a good tear down and a tank rebuild it will be good . Oh ya the carb will need done .

  3. Haha
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Powered Halicki Skate Board 1960's (aka Toby Cart)   
    You don't normally loose the block
  4. Thanks
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    I got a generator from a man in Pennsylvania last year I'm in north Carolina  it cost me 22.00 not bad .
    (no import tax) must be hard to get a deal??
  5. Like
    factory got a reaction from pmackellow in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    Here are some pictures of my O&R Model H (1700 R.P.M.) the serial number has been removed from this one and the coil HT wire has a join where it has been repaired.



  6. Like
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Powered Halicki Skate Board 1960's (aka Toby Cart)   
    Will I finally got this back together not sure how the throttle rod will work but seems to work ok on the bench.
    When we get some good weather I will see if I can fine a brave sole to try it.

    Will I finally got this back together not sure how the throttle rod will work but seems to work ok on the bench.
    When we get some good weather I will see if I can fine a brave sole to try it.

  7. Like
    factory got a reaction from JUST O&R in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    Yes it would take a lot of time to both figure out the correct parts & find them, hence why I suggest looking for an engine block (the sort that RC modellers have removed/lost bits from) and transferring the good parts from your engine to that one. As I did to restore the yellow Tiny Tiger which must have suffered a similar failure.
    And refilling the tank every hour.
    Don't forget they advertised them as being suitable for powering all sorts of equipment, plus battery charging (just imagine your miles from anywhere with a flat battery & the O&R won't start either), or even cook the worlds smallest goose (below).

  8. Thanks
    factory reacted to CNew in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    Wow, that’s a beauty- almost looks mint condition! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Model F before.  You definitely find the good ones!
  9. Like
    factory got a reaction from CNew in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    Yes it would take a lot of time to both figure out the correct parts & find them, hence why I suggest looking for an engine block (the sort that RC modellers have removed/lost bits from) and transferring the good parts from your engine to that one. As I did to restore the yellow Tiny Tiger which must have suffered a similar failure.
    And refilling the tank every hour.
    Don't forget they advertised them as being suitable for powering all sorts of equipment, plus battery charging (just imagine your miles from anywhere with a flat battery & the O&R won't start either), or even cook the worlds smallest goose (below).

  10. Thanks
    factory got a reaction from CNew in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    I haven't seen much for sale in the UK recently, but found this nice condition engine for sale on ebay in France, it's an early Model F with 6.921 to 1 ratio gearbox for 900 R.P.M. output shaft speed.



    Decals on this engine, not many had the Model printed on the O&R eagle logo decal, I've noticed that it isn't stamped into the crankcase on this engine either.

    The gearbox for the Model F has no clutch fitted, a Model J was also made if you needed the same specification but with a clutch, Model J engines seem to be more common than the Model F. Below is part of the 1961 price list showing these two models.

  11. Like
    factory got a reaction from pmackellow in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    Yes it would take a lot of time to both figure out the correct parts & find them, hence why I suggest looking for an engine block (the sort that RC modellers have removed/lost bits from) and transferring the good parts from your engine to that one. As I did to restore the yellow Tiny Tiger which must have suffered a similar failure.
    And refilling the tank every hour.
    Don't forget they advertised them as being suitable for powering all sorts of equipment, plus battery charging (just imagine your miles from anywhere with a flat battery & the O&R won't start either), or even cook the worlds smallest goose (below).

  12. Like
    factory reacted to pmackellow in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    Tres bon !
  13. Like
    factory got a reaction from pmackellow in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    I haven't seen much for sale in the UK recently, but found this nice condition engine for sale on ebay in France, it's an early Model F with 6.921 to 1 ratio gearbox for 900 R.P.M. output shaft speed.



    Decals on this engine, not many had the Model printed on the O&R eagle logo decal, I've noticed that it isn't stamped into the crankcase on this engine either.

    The gearbox for the Model F has no clutch fitted, a Model J was also made if you needed the same specification but with a clutch, Model J engines seem to be more common than the Model F. Below is part of the 1961 price list showing these two models.

  14. Like
    factory got a reaction from Wallfish in O&R Model F with gearbox 900 R.P.M.   
    I haven't seen much for sale in the UK recently, but found this nice condition engine for sale on ebay in France, it's an early Model F with 6.921 to 1 ratio gearbox for 900 R.P.M. output shaft speed.



    Decals on this engine, not many had the Model printed on the O&R eagle logo decal, I've noticed that it isn't stamped into the crankcase on this engine either.

    The gearbox for the Model F has no clutch fitted, a Model J was also made if you needed the same specification but with a clutch, Model J engines seem to be more common than the Model F. Below is part of the 1961 price list showing these two models.

  15. Like
    factory reacted to Wallfish in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    Easy, get out your credit card and start collecting every O&R tool you can find! Your welcome
  16. Like
    factory reacted to Wallfish in O&R Tiny Tiger Parts   
    Find another one. They are common and can be found.
    They get quite a bit of attention when I display a bunch of them too. Most people have no idea they even made 2 stroke powered tools
  17. Like
    factory reacted to Beer Man in O&R ORline Air Compressor (Compressor made by W.R. Brown)   
    I found your site while trying to get info on a recent find.
    From the looks of it, I found a intact and in good appearance, O&R Compact lll Orline compressor, compressor made by WR Brown. I did a quick check of the engine, removed the spark plug, gave it a shot of oil, then removed the disintegrating air filter foam, then gave it a spray of 2 stroke fuel and the damn thing started. That’s as far as I have gotten.
     I have a few questions, how common are they, and can one get manuals for it, or how do I get in contact with someone who knows, or is somebody looking for these? The last thing I want to do is ruin it with ignorance.
    Thanks for any assistance,
    Beer Man

  18. Like
    factory reacted to neons in Aquabug surprise!   
    Here is my son enjoying running around the Cuttyhunk Island harbor with the small O&R outboard I had. It used to push my 3 kids and and 2 of us easily everywhere.

  19. Like
    factory reacted to DCM in Aquabug surprise!   
    Thanks for the reply.
    It must be a 1hp (not labeled). Okay, I will search ebay for a intake cover. But it seems like it won`t be to hard to make one. What are my options for the diaphragm?
    I haven`t tinkered with this for awhile, but would love to get it running. I believe, I cleaned the carb out, replaced the fuel line and cleaned out the gas tank. It has good compression
    and will start if sprayed with starter fluid. This motor was given to me over 10 years ago with the manual. Unfortunately my 1700`s farm house took priority over all else.

  20. Like
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O&R Powered Halicki Skate Board 1960's (aka Toby Cart)   
    I started Monday going thew this its coming along good . I'm missing a cylinder cooling baffle  I think the # is 128-2.
    does any one have one they would be willing to sell ? Thanks guy's

  21. Thanks
    factory reacted to JUST O&R in O & R Carb Repair Tutorial   
    I can do that.
  22. Thanks
    factory reacted to BabaBooey in O&R Powered Halicki Skate Board 1960's (aka Toby Cart)   
    Attached are some pics of the cable rod that runs under the board, if you need more detail let me know

  23. Like
    factory reacted to CNew in Ohlsson & Rice: 20A Outboard (Clinton Model K-150)   
    I wasn’t able to get the price I wanted but it’s hard to pass it up when it’s in your hands. It does have some damage on the mount but I probably won’t actually use this for its intended purpose. The camo paint is a let down, would be much better if it had the original paint scheme. Turns out this is actually an outboard produced by Clinton and its a model K-150.  My eye must be getting sharper. I was just scrolling through Craigslist and the recoil starter is what caught my attention - I knew it had to be a 13B or 20A...
    https://books.google.com/books?id=B-IDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=clinton+k-150+outboard&source=bl&ots=OE-egHhIuZ&sig=ACfU3U1HjdT-0EIpzv0Y3mPgqfIe34_0OQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1k53D3L_kAhVLXKwKHYyPDVcQ6AEwEnoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=clinton k-150 outboard&f=false

  24. Like
    factory got a reaction from Anglo Traction in Drillgine Jigsaw puzzle !!   
    Your right Paul, I'm not quick enough.
    The engine is possibly a Type 100, there is some overlap with serial numbers & 3/4HP/0.85HP engines at time this was made, but the lack of fins on the crankcase suggests that it is most likely to be a 3/4HP one. My information also suggests it should have a plastic reed valve.
  25. Like
    factory got a reaction from pmackellow in Drillgine Jigsaw puzzle !!   
    Your right Paul, I'm not quick enough.
    The engine is possibly a Type 100, there is some overlap with serial numbers & 3/4HP/0.85HP engines at time this was made, but the lack of fins on the crankcase suggests that it is most likely to be a 3/4HP one. My information also suggests it should have a plastic reed valve.
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