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heliosuk last won the day on April 16 2018

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About heliosuk
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  1. I'll be going after this Sam and won't be splitting it however there are plans and instructions on another site we use that would enable you to get it made.
  2. I'd be interested in knowing who the contact in Shropshire is?
  3. Can you share the link Sam as I can't find it.
  4. If it helps I travel to India 3 or 4 times a year. If you could get the part scanned and turned into a 3D CAD model then I can get it machined from solid very cheaply, alternatively send me the part and I'll do it over there. I've had numerous parts made for me at ridiculously cheap prices. For example I've had 3 mower deck shafts and end stops made for £50 when quoted £500 in the UK and got a load of Bolens tube frame PTO front seals made for I wont say how much as selling them for a stupid mark up but still considerably cheaper than getting them from the states!!. I actually exported some of them to the USA !!! I'm scheduled to go again end of May returning early June this time so if it helps let me know!
  5. I think there's one on flea bay at the moment.
  6. I was googling coil repair on Homelite chainsaws and came across one of your postings in Chainsaw collectors se. forum. I was wondering if you have ever removed the coil windings from the iron core on the 55986A coil and am needing to know how it is done. I'm working on a 115cc Homelite model 2000. I have purchased an aftermarket coil for 50.00 US that comes without the high tension spark plug lead and I am waiting for it to arrive and trying to understand how to remove the windings. Thank you Alain




  7. It never fails to amuse me as to the steps some people take to supposedly fix things and I've seen some horrors on cars and then they try to blame the manufacturer wen it all goes wrong!!!
  8. Just about finished the G14 so now need a complete set of decals. Anyone know where to obtain in the UK as the source suggested on the other main forum in the USA is talking stupid money for shipping. You'd have thought he was sending Fort Knox to the UK if and when he can be bothered to reply to e mails. So any help in sourcing would be gratefully received. Thanks
  9. heliosuk


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