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Everything posted by Joseph
  1. It has been a while since we have have posted. We have started a new project which is to build a replica of the Bolens large frame snow/dirt blade, Bolens part number 18085. The simple rule is that it is not allowed to snow until we are finished This is a very rare attachment and realistically our only chance of owning one is to make a replica. Chris Stoneman recently purchased one of the few know to exisit in the UK and we picked it up for him which gave us the chance to take lots of measurements. Chris's blade did not come with the lift push rods and we need some help with those. In the manual, it says that the distance between the centre line of the holes in the clevis rodes is 26-1/2" which gives a bit of an insight into the lengths of the rods. We did some searching on the Internet and that highlighted that the push rods are 20" long for the early large frames and 22-1/2" long for the HT's. We will be fitting this to our HT20 which suggests we need to make 22-1/2" rods. If someone has this attachement I would be grateful if you can measure the length of the push rods and confirm if they are 22-1/2". Also it would be helpful to know the length of the threaded part of the rod. Thanks in advance. At the moment we get one tractor day a week so this project will take a while but it should be fun and I hope you follow along. I am making some notes of the work we are doing and making videos of the progress. In today's video I cover the preperation and cutting of the metal.
  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes. For presents I got some tools and a tripod for my YouTube videos Thanks Joseph
  3. It is sad that he dumped the charts. I really appreciate you taking the time to ask and the information you have found out is really useful, thanks. We were wondering if the brackets were slightly different for various models, so it is good to have that confirmed. We are planning to relocate the idler to where we think it should be and measure for a belt, at least that will give us an idea of the size
  4. The idler pulley has been relocated and without know where it should be located it creates too many variables. If we can't find the correct belt, we will guess the location of the idlers, measure with some string and buy a belt. Even if it is wrong one it may help work out what it should be It is good to see him busy That would be fantastic if you are able to find out. Thanks for looking
  5. We have been looking for a rare side mounted shredder for ages, to fit on our Westwood D1200. One appeared in our local auction and we managed to get it for a great price. The shredder had been modified to run from an electric motor and the mounting bracket was missing. We were going to make a mounting bracket but managed to get one. The challange was to turn the shredder back to standard and fit it onto the tractor. I think the attachment bracket was designed to be factory fitted because it was a lot of work to fit. Once we got the attachment fitted to the tractor we hit a problem. The idler has been modified and the belt it came was was incorrect, which is one too many variables. A replacement belt is proving to be very difficult to find, a number of Westwood dealers claim the attachment does not exist and I don't know anyone who has the attachment who can help. Does anyone know what the belt size should be? A quick video on progress, even my cameraman got in on the action!
  6. When we are asked about Bolens tractors, it is often a question about the rear axle drive pin on geared Tube Frame tractors. The usual question are, "why can't I push the tractor?", "I put it in gear and let up the clutch and nothing happens?" and "what do I do if the pin is seized?". I am sure others get asked the same questions. I decided to cover this in a video as it is easier to show people a video than explan the details
  7. It is very handy to be able to take the seat cover off when it is raining, saves the embarressment of a wet bottom
  8. The 1054 is still in regular use and it's main job is towing trailers. Over the winter it developed an oil leak and it was time for a repair
  9. My mum and sister wanted some raised beds made for the garden. As we are still in lockdown we had to use materials we already had. We created a video of building them which features lots of Bolens action with the 1962 Bolens Ride-a-matic
  10. Looks fantastic, great job with the paint
  11. We started the day with a simple puncture repair on the Westwood D1200 which we were not planning to video. Due to an interesting discovery we thought we would share what we found.
  12. Joseph


    Hi Paul, it has been a while since we last had a catch-up and we must do so once the current situation is over. Over the Christmas break we picked up another Cub Cadet original as a parts machine but since then we have managed to find a lot of parts that means we may have two viable tractors Hi Alan, I hope you are well and it will be good to catch up soon. Mum was not impressed and we have not worked out where to store them yet I have never seen the roads this empty before, even in the middle of the night Hi Andrew, unbelievable to find these two 30 minutes down the road. We were looking at the G12 today and in the daylight it is clear that it has a green chassis, the same colour as the HT23 which make it even rarer. I have never seen another with a green chassis. Stay safe an well everyone Joseph
  13. Joseph


    Just before the lockdown in the UK we went on a roadtrip. The roads are usually very busy but they were empty. Two great addions to the collection Stay safe everyone
  14. It is a great tool Norm, for the price you need to get someone to go shopping for you No that is an idea Please stay safe and well in these strange times and we are looking forward to catching up with you both soon
  15. As we could not find any toilet rolls in Lidl we decided to buy a Plasma cutter that they had on offer. It works really well and with a bit of practice it will be very handy. A quick review and use video
  16. This G14 has been stored outside many years before we got it and we left it outside too. Finally we found some covered storage space for it. It is a parts tractor but it is still good to have it covered
  17. Joseph

    1962 Bolens 600

    A little more progress on the 600, today we focused on cleaning out the fuel tank
  18. We decided to put a video together covering our outtakes and bloopers from our 2019 videos. I hope you enjoy it.
  19. Merry Christmas to all. Our Christmas video with garden tractor content
  20. Joseph

    1962 Bolens 600

    A bit more progress on the Bolens 600, we did not get too much time this weekend
  21. Joseph

    1962 Bolens 600

    A little more progress on the 600. Homework is getting in the way of major progress at the moment
  22. We finally had a dry and sunny day, so we decided to get most of our running Bolens tractors out for a run. This is our celebration of 100 years of Bolens.
  23. Joseph

    1962 Bolens 600

    We did a little more on the 1962 Bolens 600. The head was removed and repairs done to the valves. Video update
  24. Cool project, I would love to find one
  25. Joseph

    1962 Bolens 600

    A bit more progress on the 1962 Bolens 600. Today we started to look at the engine. Video update of progress
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