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About IHarvester
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  1. Looking forward to the pictures/ write up ( thanks in advance) from this and other forthcoming shows. Enjoy seeing the machines at shows and being worked. Hope you all get the weather needed for a good one!
  2. Had a fuel pipe do the same sort of thing recently- think the ethonyl contenet of the fuel didn't help: now has higher spec hose and an in line filter!
  3. Found a picture of a modern version of tractor mounting apparently is/was on here http://www.zeppy.io/discover/gb/ran Not found any pictures of what I remember using the type in the OP.
  4. Thought I recognised the single one. Yes, at school, MF tractor though providing power. Can't remember how many and how they were hung on the tractor but they were all lifted and secured clear of the ground so the tractor could drive off on the road to the next job. Having had some dealings with more modern hydraulic motored gang sets this system did seem simple and effective.
  5. IHarvester


  6. 8th picture from the top and last one- Suffolk with cast chassis? Had serveral and here's one in a museum!
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