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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Hi Jon, welcome to MOM it's good to have you aboard..   I'm with James about the white smoke, it may well be where the engine has been sitting for years and needs a good run to clear it out..


    Keep us updated on how your are getting on with it... Oh, we like lot's of photo's :D

  2. As a moderator on MOM it's been nice to watch our numbers slowly rise (thank you to you all for joining our band of happy machine nuts :) ), and it got me wondering how did you find MOM?

    I know quite a few of you have been told about us by other members, but not all...


    I came to MOM when I received a message on RS from Neil about a new forum that was starting shortly and did I want to be a Mod?   Of course I couldn't refuse :D


    So, how did you find MOM?

  3. Evening all, this trans came my way this morning traded for some Wh parts..

    I have no idea what it is from but thought it might be handy for use in the future :D


    I thought it might be the same as Mark's Toro trans he picked up a little while ago, but looking at it now I'm not so sure..


    Sorry for the naff photo's, the camera was working fine, it was me that was a bit blurry after a late afternoon snooze!





  4. Hi Ranger, when I insured my 6x6 they asked for a chassis number.. As it didn't have one being a new build it didn't have one.. But they were more than happy with the trans part number instead!


    I do have an id plate from a 71 Raider according to the Toro parts finder web site, but you might want to check the number with the Showman as he has a Belgium model number list that can say different things/models than the Toro site.


    The number is 1-0300

  5. The winner would be the one with the straightest lines left and the most weight of cut grass collected within a set time.. Points could be deducted for any grass cuttings left and the amount of times the flower beds got run over :D


    HHmmmmm.. I can see the video now....  I wonder if we could talk Jesse James into being the presenter/host? :D

  6. Morning all, before I can start on the next bit of serious shack surgery one of those "very boring but has to be done" jobs was done yesterday... Yep, tidying the floor!!


    I even managed to make space under the bench on far right!!  Very handy for storing boxes of metal off cuts once I have sorted through them.





    You can walk around the front of the 6x6 now! :o:D

    The metal box/tray thingy is for catching swarf from the pillar drill and looks much better than the old blue and much trodden on biscuit tin!





    The tool chest was moved over as much as possible to create this big space which although filled with a full bin and bag of rubbish...





    Will be the new home for my power hacksaw thingy.





    The cull has started, all stuff to be thrown out/go to the scrap man....   Though I might rescue the drill bit kit box (looks like a tool box) and turn it onto a tool box for the GT :D






    Oh.... and I found a few hats :D



  7. If the sun shines you could get a couple of bales of Hay out of that Ian !! :D


    Top job mate :thumbs:


    Funny you should say that Paul.. While I was looking at the rows of cut grass after cutting I was thinking that I need to build a little bailing machine :D




    Just you wait till I get my rig going again


    This will be turf wars   :D


    Your lawn looks very tidy Ian


    Thanks Chris, so are we going to have a "Lawn sweep-off" as our American friends like to call things? :D




    Sorry Ian, I forgot to tell you to tow it at 50 mph. :D  


    50 mph!!   And here was me thinking 5 mph was quite dangerous enough with trees and a rather bumpy lawn!




    Looks a stronger piece of equipment then the Wheel Horse one.  They sure beat a rake. :D


    Thanks Norm, yeah it is quite a strong bit of kit, I might add a bit of strength to the box part though.. And yes, it sure beats a rake :thumbs:




    Nice lawn stripes Ian , & its good to see the GT14 +2 doing some collar


    Thanks Neil, and yes it is nice to work the GT for a change.. The poor thing mostly only gets moved in and out of the shack to make working space. Though it did come in handy the other week when I had a pallet to be collected..




    I see these pop up quite often, are they actully any good? How well do they work?

    Nice looking lawn, beats a push mower and a rake



    Very well really Charlie. Don't like long wet grass though.



    they are useful still using a 30 odd year old one - like Ian says - it's interesting swerving around things :D


    As Both Mark and Norm have said Charlie, they work very well indeed.. and can be fun at high speed :D

  8. Morning chaps, not really an update but another part of the puzzle has arrived..  A hood :D


    As you can see it has a slight bit of surface rust where the paint was partly stripped of and just left!







    A nice shade of silver paint inside!





    The little Raider is looking more complete every day :D



  9. It's all part of the fun of owning a Wheel Horse Neil, my GT did the same trick to me the other week, started running quite rough for no reason so I limped it into the shack.. It wasn't until a few days later that I noticed the fuel tap had shaken itself almost closed! :rolleyes::D


    Nice stack by the way :thumbs:

  10. Well done! :thumbs:



    Good effort :thumbs:



    Looking good mate :thumbs:


    Thanks chaps, it's getting there..


    A small amount more done today, this clean-ish spot on the floor hasn't seen daylight in years where it was hidden under a rack!





    It's a shame that when you turn 90' to the right your greeted with this!!





    The rack in it's new home slowly filling up with Wh parts..





    They will be very full tomorrow when this lot gets added :D



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