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Everything posted by pmackellow
  1. Sent my entry form off for Twyford Waterworks this evening, August 3rd We were parked next to one of the chaps from the waterworks and he (and Jim) invited us along, Wendy and I have been before and enjoyed it so I think we can talk Steve D into coming along to this one...
  2. They are good little machines, even a 5 horse one went ok with my BFA on it as well !!
  3. 5 or 8 horse Neil ?? Looking forward to the photos
  4. No worries mate, its part of a bigger brochure which covers a range of mowers offered by ATCO
  5. I'll have the white one in the middle please, is it a Ford ??
  6. Yep, a great day out, one for the 2015 calendar I think...
  7. Where do we find them ?? Begins with e and ends in y mate !!
  8. Steve D on a Trusty, best put some photos on another forum quick !!
  9. Found this in the literature collection...
  10. I assume it was a previous exhibit or something that used to work for its keep ??
  11. Here's some more photos... The last one shows a trailer a bit fuller than it was at the start of the day !!
  12. It certainly got some interest Steve I googled ladybird mower and found out some information on it, unlike the Nash Boadiceas for which very little information has come to light...
  13. pmackellow

    a patterson

    Looks a bid sad Steve, it does look like a Pattison
  14. Haven't got one mate, can I borrow yours next time ??
  15. At the start of a very long day yesterday, we went to Christchurch in Dorset to pick this up before coming back to Eastleigh in Hampshire for the Bill Targett Memorial Rally Its a Ladybird electric mower, made in the late 40's and early 50's by a company named Metalair I saw it on that well known auction website and mine was the only bid, I'm pleased with it as its a bit unusual and almost looks like an electric version of the Nash Boadicea mower of which between Steve D and myself are now three in number...
  16. Steve Denness, his son Adam and myself had a great day in Hampshire yesterday at the Bill Targett Memorial Rally, something of everything and lots to see. We took a car and trailer load of exhibits and the display seemed to be very interesting to a lot of the public It was very warm and sunny, so I think we will need the bigger trailer and a gazebo next year !! Here's some photos...
  17. Nigel told me about the forum, Neil asked me to be a moderator...
  18. Hope the towbar fits Chris, will save you a couple of bob if it does
  19. Nice to see the youngsters gettting involved, they are the future of this hobby Ethan better watch where he's driving though Kev,he's already had one headlight out of that Bolens !!
  20. Nice little machines and not expensive Will put some photos of yesterday on later, sorry Wheelhorse boys, nowt there for you !!
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