Evening all, the tale of Why Not's chassis continues with some more metal being added on Monday..
The front of the engine cradle had some mounts welded on, the small holes need to be drilled out a bit so I can weld some crush tube in, then they will be ready for bolts.
A couple of diagonal strengtheners.
This small bit of box will be the front body tub mounts.
I think the chassis is starting to look quite good now
Which has got me around to thinking that's it's about time I got the axle narrowing finished and narrowed the axles...
Which is why I spent a lot of today getting my lathe all bolted down and up and running
Cutting/cooling fluid is pumped from this Ford screen washer bottle as it has been for years..
But this time the pump is powered by a model railway controller thingy, ideal for changing the speed of the flow
If all goes to plan tomorrow I might even get both axles done....
But to tide you over here's my latest "Why Not" video..