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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2015 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    RedSquare information

    This Saturday, May 16th, RedSquare will be going through a software upgrade. As most of you are aware, MoM and RedSquare are sister sites and share the same physical computer server. While this upgrade will not affect MoM, there may be periods of time where response time is sluggish simply because of the shared environment. RedSquare members, like what you see here? Please sign up, be glad to have you here as well, but remember this is for ALL machinery, not JUST Wheel Horses Now for the question you may be thinking... YES, MoM will be upgraded to the same software as well. Originally I wanted MoM to be first because it's smaller than RedSquare, but the forum skin for RedSquare was done before MoM's (which hasn't been updated yet). So after the upgrade pop over there and take a look because when everything is sorted, MoM is next -- Karl Status [x] 8:00am - Prepare alternate communications [x] 10:00am - Go grocery shopping (oh, you didn't need to know this one huh?) [x] 12:30pm - Lunch (was good) [X] 2:00pm - Forum will become off-line to members and a complete backup will begin - Database backup complete - File system backup in progress (pictures, manuals etc) complete [x] 3:30pm - Actual forum upgrade will begin (RedSquare will still be unavailable) [ ] 4:00pm - Upgrade completed, post upgrade steps begin (Still unavailable) [ ] 10:00pm - RedSquare available, *SOME* functionality may not be available
  2. 2 points

    Bolens Husky 613 3speed

    I bought this machine from second hand shop in internet. it cost me 80 €. working, but the engine has been chanced to briggs&stratton 8 hp, and the lawnblades were worn out and cuttened in pieces, also the 3 blade-tables was totally broken. But my father in law fixed them, so now my husky is working fine. Also i put better choke-handle to it, because it were not working, and the footgrill was too tiny and far away for my 6&7 years old boys to ride, so i make some bigger and longer footgrills to it. Now im looking for parts to this machine, Brake is barely working, also (because of that) the gearbox is quite rattling,when changing a gear when brakes are not totally bottomed.. Ou, i also put hand-handle for the brake, because its easier to the boys to work with. Then i must change the oil to the rear of the bolens. the tires are full-rubber in back, and normal air filled tires in front. Has anyone any guide to this model ? how i do the things right ? I can do them by my mind, but if there are some special what not to do, or what must do first, i dont know about things like that. And there are the accumulator under the seat, earlier owner has changed the tiny accu to normal car size accu, now it starts, no matter what! Thanks! i give some pics when i got my camera better... edited some odd words better..
  3. 2 points

    Finals are Finished, YEAH!

    .I've a grandson who might help
  4. 2 points

    Look what followed us home

    Interesting. The weights I have on the HDT1000 are marked E ROWE. They were originally for combines, but they do fit the 12" wheel just fine although they do increase the width some. They are roughly 105 lbs. each. Here's a couple of pics. One is siting next to a Bolens rear weight just for size reference. I found that having the forklift to aid in installing them made the job a lot easier than it would have been without it.
  5. 1 point

    Finals are Finished, YEAH!

    Norman, That's a great help. Please ask your grandson to help out! Cheers Andrew
  6. 1 point

    Finals are Finished, YEAH!

    You are going to need your own ship to take them home, Andrew. Do you have friends or relatives in the Royal Navy that might be able to bring them through as personal belongings?
  7. 1 point
    It's easy to armchair quarterback the call, but the people on the ground, including the owner said that it was the right thing to do. From some of the various articles on the incident." This from the owner: Yeah, it's a shame that it had to happen, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
  8. 1 point

    Look what followed us home

    What do you do in the rainy season, put a snorkel on the air cleaner and exhaust
  9. 1 point

    1945 Briggs NR2

    You must have to dust and polish that lot.
  10. 1 point

    Look what followed us home

    It is altogether probable that the Rowe Foundry built the wheel weights for many old garden tractors after reading the statement below from the Rowe Foundry company history. I have seen Bolens weights that were marked Rowe, MTD, OLDA, Bolens, FMC, and unstyled as well. Supposedly FMC marked wheel weights are for tractors built after 1973 and BOLENS marked wheel weights were produced before 1973. That's why I have different weights on different tractors. tHE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS. aLAIN "During the 1950's river clamp producers began looking elsewhere for product materials and found that concrete was the answer for the new river clamps. This, coupled with the steel manufacturers strikes, caused management to look elsewhere for business. Counterweights for agricultural and industrial tractors were the answer. At one point Rowe Foundry held more than 75% of the aftermarket agricultural tractor weight market" (Rowefoundry.com). http://www.rowefoundry.com/history.html
  11. 1 point

    1945 Briggs NR2

    The NR2 is now living the good life with my other honored engines that live in my bedroom. Actually its more like a storeroom off the side of my bedroom, but there is no door separating the two. This is where all my restored, and very special engines live. I have a really good wife! There are 20 here in my bedroom, and another 20-30 at my shop. Here are a few pics. Matt
  12. 1 point

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Think yourself lucky. Wife away, bottle of wine, E-bay and my mate ended up with this.
  13. 1 point

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Warning! Never look at ebay when you're bored! I was browsing the other night, whilst waiting for the missus to get ready and accidentally bought this beaver 2. In my defence it was very cheap. Should be picking it up on Saturday.
  14. 1 point

    Finals are Finished, YEAH!

    Alain, just seen this post. Congratulations! Don't worry about your GTs, we will look after them for you!
  15. 1 point

    Finals are Finished, YEAH!

    I wore my good clothes to finals, a haircut would have been in order, but it was either keep the water on or get a hair cut, monthly water bill runs the same as a good haircut around here, about 20.00 US
  16. 1 point

    New addition to the fleet

    Couple of small updates lift handle now goes up And goes down again a small hole was cut out the seat pan new metal for said hole Holes marked Then drilled Finished plate Then there was no hole Then the problems started got to this stage and went to weld it up with the mig and poof didn't want to play so out came the trusty inverter and got it finished needs grinding down but then a big ups van came new seat bargain on evil bay 20 of my finest imperial credits of the realm and bolted in Cheers Darren If at first you don't succeed Use a bigger hammer
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