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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Will they be big enough?

    Back over the Border yesterday and today. First though a pile of dirt to move from the yard. While Dunc got the tractor and trailer, I drove the digger up to the yard. Never operated a digger since I sold mine about 15yrs ago. 1-1/2 loads and the yard was cleared and levelled. Took the digger back down to the soon to be main workshop, then trailer was loaded with boards and taken up to the carport. Third bay was finished by lunch time. Photo' was taken before we started. After lunch we started on the back gable end. Hopefully get that finished tomorrow and make a start on the other side. It's a grand way to spend a Bank Holiday weekend.
  2. 1 point
    JUST O&R

    Ohlsson & Rice: Mono-Line Chainsaw

    Never replaced one before but that should work to spread it out you night need to take a roll pin punch to it after that to tighten it a little. I have no idea what make people think they need to drill out the rivets anyway
  3. 1 point

    Ohlsson & Rice: Mono-Line Chainsaw

    You do nice work. Think I'll ship you about 15-20 engines do for me!
  4. 1 point

    Ohlsson & Rice: Life-Savr Generator

    Got the recoil done and all back together. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it to run. It’s got spark and it sort of sputtered a couple times with the choke but never really got any signs of life at mid choke or run. Sort of seems like it’s not getting fuel for some reason. I mounted a temporary syringe of fuel above the carb and that didn’t work either, even after priming the carb several times. Strange, always a bummer after doing a complete rebuild... walking away for now and will try again another day... Ok, so I just couldn’t leave it alone. It always drives me crazy not being able to get‘em going so I decided to give it another go. I cleared the carb again and adjusted the needle. Fired right up, sounds great! I’ll have to test the generator function the next time I run it. Now I can sleep tonight...
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