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  1. 1 point

    Southbend Lathe Tool Holder

    Hi all, sorry for the lack of posts from me in...ooooo... quite a while! Life changed a great deal when Covid appeared and my Wife started working from home.... Spare time is something that is very very hard to come by! That's not to say I have not been busy in my little Workshack, it's finding Workshack time and the time to post anything anywhere that's been the problem.... Sooooo.. With my new Workshack finally (well, almost as they are never finished) and the lathe re-power done (I will update the Re-power thread), it was time to make something that my Southbend lathe has needed in a long time.. Yep a new tool holder that can hold more than one cutting tool at a time The said lathe in question.. To make the TH I needed three different size lumps of steel.. Here's the base part being cut to size. The middle part will be cut from this odd lump of steel that was coated in clear rubber, then bolted to a Volvo bulkhead! No idea what it did in the Volvo! The third and top bit will have to be cut from this rather big slab! While the middle part was being cut roughly to size.. It was filmed on an old phone that was rubber banded to a tripod! My faithful video camera had snuffed it you see.. The middle part being turned to size.. As my hands are not working that well these days the Power Crossfeed thingy I build has come in very handy and saved lots of hand ache.. The middle part done.. And plonked on the base.
  2. 1 point

    Southbend Lathe Tool Holder

    Grab a lump of ally.. Bung it in the lathe and face the end off. A bit of a trim down the side. More metal removed, the black pen stuff was to help me get the right shape.. Or near enough.. Almost there now.. Parted off. Then finished off... HHmmmm.. Shiny To fit the knob thingy I had to drill yet another hole.. Tap a thread in it. Ta Daaa... Almost.. Not sure about the thread showing.. A bit of ally tube soon had the looks sorted.. And finally fit the finished tool holder to the lathe.. I hope you all have enjoyed this little build, it was quite fun to make Of course..... This build comes with a video
  3. 1 point

    Southbend Lathe Tool Holder

    Thanks Richard, it's good to be posting again, it's been far too long... Nigel mentioned yesterday that it's been a bit quiet on here, something about that strange place that's Farcebook! I should of built this tool holder a long time ago, it's such a handy thing So where was I? Oh yes.. about here. With both top and bottom bit's drilled and countersunk.... It was time to cut some threads in the middle section.. Top bolted down.. As was the base.. Before the bolts were welded in, I countersunk the holes a bit wider so I could get a good weld all around the bolt heads. A quick check to see how the cutting tools looked... Quite happy with that. A nice sturdy bolt was cut down and welded to a small square of steel, it will come in handy for clamping the holder to the carriage. In this pic you can also see the "block" has had the bolts welded up and turned flush on the lathe. The bolt with the big square head fit's like so.. The original "1 tool" tool holder won't be in use for much longer.. A quick test fit, me likey The big question was........... Had I got my measurements right and did the tip of a cutting tool end up in the right place???? Yep, that will do nicely
  4. 1 point

    Southbend Lathe Tool Holder

    Now for a errr... Interesting challenge.. How to cut a smallish square from that big slab! The best and quietest way I could think of was a bit "iffy", but it worked.. That looks very close!! But it clears, just.. Lot's of cutting and turning later, all three parts are the right size. A quick look at my plans... Or should that be rough scribble? And it was time to fix all three parts together... A single bolt kept it all in check.. So I could mark out and start drilling holes to put some bolts through. Here's the top drilled out.. And the base... A bit of countersinking was needed.. So the bolt heads would sit flush. More to follow later including a rather well edited if rather long video... Tune back for more later..
  5. 1 point
    rolloman 1

    A Little update on my Tractor

    Hello all Some of you will remember my Huttenwerk Tractor which i had on here, well I have been busy overhauling the Tracks starting with the track plates then new rubbers and bolts , And today the track cover plates were fitted 50 off factory made from 1.6 mm mild steel then drilled and painted Matt black . and to finish 200 coach bolts washers and m8 nuts all to be tightened up. Then over to the wash and clean corner this now runs so well now i can hardly believe it hope you like i think it great
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