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steve d

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steve d last won the day on June 9 2014

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About steve d
  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/04/1969
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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Eastbourne England
  • Interests
    Colwood, ota, farmfitters, jobber, howard.in fact anything horticultural.
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  1. Sorry a little late but thankyou for the kind wishes and I had a lovely day
  2. Hi I've never got quite that far in to the ds tartar on my mark one I know it has got a wire stater cord and is quite involved to get to as the ignition is also just behind it ,I will do my best to have a closer look and work it out
  3. Hi john Sorry I'm a bit late replying, as of yet I really don't know on the dating as far as I'm aware they were made for quite a short period of time I will recheck the bit of info I have and come back to you, or you can always pm if you like if you fancy a chat
  4. Hi all thank you so much for the wishes,sorry not been about much recently been a bit of a year with my mum and now I'm signed off with stress after having pain in my arm and chest.
  5. hi john thats really nice mate i know you let me have details for the register along time ago but is there any chance of the details again ,this is still only the fifth survivor i know of steve.
  6. Sorry all been rather busy recently and wanted to say thank you ever so much for the birthday wishes, I am still around and about but not been up to much in the garage so not to much to report at the moment. Steve
  7. I think it's great your putting it back to original Ben, so many have been butchered by the heathens, I remember my dad looked after one just up the road from our house and it was one of the first I ever rode on So good on yer for going for it,will look forward to seeing one of these fast disappearing original machines.
  8. that would be nice ben ive only seen one with the Vincent engine and that was the one that was borrowed at tractorfest.
  9. Best part of. The video for me was Mr showman with my colwood, new I could turn him from them Old wheelhorses, already had him on a proper tractor to this year as in my monarch just proves you need a change mate lol
  10. Top marks, I think you should do this for a living Ian,and I think I might take up commentary.
  11. Love it Ian and the jobber action you won't see that happen again for a while cos I'll bring the terrex next time, it's quicker and easier.
  12. Thanks paul and kev but must admit was a little nervous at first as had never done it before, but does sound better now I've heard it. Also well done Ian superb video as usual and sorry for the ear bashing again.
  13. god forbid there could be copy right ,oh that's right we were involved in thinking of the roundup name eh
  14. shall we call it the colwood round up paul ?
  15. A good history there Paul couldn't have put it better myself plus don't forget the colwood hornet, and Goodwood machines I have added some pics of me at work with my steel wheeled model B and my ra, have also added two of my model A pics, more to follow.
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