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Aiberdonian last won the day on October 1 2023

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About Aiberdonian
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  1. I'm still following this thread and must say how much I admire your skill and patience in making such beautiful things like these taps. Keep up the good work.
  2. Wishing all at MOM a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It's blowing a gale out there I hope Santa stays on course!!
  3. Jack, I bought mine from the Pre 1940 Triumph Motor Club, you have to be a member before you can buy spares but they do have quite a lot of re-manufactured parts available. They are quite expensive but are good quality. Richard.
  4. Very sad news indeed RIP Norm.
  5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. Still above the daisies, recovery from storm Arwen is ongoing.
  6. Some really nice and interesting machines. So what do you do with an old Lister D that's lying in the shed - build it in to a motorbike of course, that is brilliant!
  7. Bit late to the party this year but a Happy New Year to everyone.
  8. Survived last night with no drama, just a bit hard on the rum and tobacco. Have arranged tele-handler and retired professional wood cutter from up the road to come and remove tree from workshop next week but will wait until Monday to see which day will be the best weatherwise.
  9. Sitting here with the tin hat on listening to the wind howling through what's left of our trees It's coming from the south this time but no guarantee the trees will fall northwards.
  10. Aye, I can't even offer you accommodation as my trailer tent got squashed as well!! The quantity is one thing but they are so closely packed that access is limited and we're stuck for anywhere to pile up the brushwood now as all our tracks through the trees and dumping areas are gone. Quite a few leaning trees and there's nowhere to run when the roots fall back, we'll leave this one to the younger guys with big machines who'll leave it a right mess probably.
  11. Was talking to a woman in her 80's who remembers the 1953 gales and she thought Friday night was even worse, certainly the scariest I've encountered with trees cracking and thumping as they hit the ground and the house. Here's the one on the workshop Haven't heard back from the insurance yet but they'll have kittens when they realise it's an asbestos roof. Can't get in to the forest for a decent photo but you can see all roots in the air. Certainly more than one old pensioner and his 18" chainsaw can cope with but my sister who owns the forest is considering sharing the cost of a monster chipper to cope with the brushwood.
  12. If yo fancy a run up to Aberdeenshire you can help me with this lot! I've got another through the roof of the workshop but thankfully not above the Gloria. Another one came down on the greenhouse and took out the electricity cables to the house which I reported on Saturday. Whole area lost power at 5.40 PM on Friday and they switched it back on tonight at 5.30 PM leaving me with a live cable lying in the garden. Managed to find a crew working down the road and explained the situation so four trucks and five guys appeared about 6.00 PM and cables and power restored at 7.00 PM. Total devastation in the forest at the back with hardly a tree left standing, definitely a job for the professionals.
  13. Awe, come on - puppy photos shouldn't be allowed! She is lovely. My old boy turned 16 last month and I'm not sure what i'll do when he finally goes.
  14. I'll have the Bentley - always fancied one. I too had a Vitesse 6 1600 and always thought it was a much sweeter and better revving engine than the later 2000 or 2500.
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