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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. As the grass on the green was still very wet this morning, got a little more done to the implement shed. Framework up, then off to the local wood yard for a couple of sheets of ply and a roll of felt. By mid afternoon I had an implement shed with a waterproof roof. Next some battens for the roof and boards for the sides and doors. Also some guttering for the front. Got the green and verges mowed and swept with the lawn sweeper this evening. A nice productive day.
  2. I wonder if it got a job in a rock 'n' roll band? I've got it on tape.
  3. One horned, one eyed, flying purple people eater.
  4. We look forward to the finished job.
  5. With a bit of welding and a splash of paint, it'll be as good as new.
  6. They look just the job for up your way. I see you got your granddad and dad to do the work.
  7. Been doing a bit of bush trimming mesel'.
  8. That should read 8ft x 8ft x 5ft high.
  9. That reminds me. I'd best bring my dolly.
  10. For sometime I've been thinking of building an implement shed. Today I decided to make a start. I had some decking boards and 2 x 3 I salvaged when we sold the caravan. Few measurements taken and I decided I'd enough to make the frame work. In between another job I was doing, I got the side frames done. 8ft x 5ft with a 3" fall.
  11. It could be any length you want. I have the technology?
  12. Front end of a logging trailer.
  13. I've a better idea for it than a dolly.
  14. That junction will play havoc with the gas flow I think.
  15. Looks like an end off a crate and plastic container.
  16. Cigarette papers are just the job for point setting. One thousandth of an inch thick.
  17. It's the writing that really makes them so desirable. Lesser makes wouldn't do them justice.
  18. I hope he's paying you well, Ewan. I don't know what your brothers would do without you.
  19. Great photo's Koen. Thanks. That six wheeled Moggie 1000 is very nice.
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