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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. They accept implements and attachments, like ploughs etc that you want to lift of the ground. Photo below is of tool bar with plough attached inserted into slot hitch. Better shot. This time with scarifire attached.
  2. Top colour has been decided. That should make The Showman a happy chappie.
  3. Most likely lost a bob and found sixpence.
  4. Good write up. But I'm not sure what James will think, his six wheeler being referred to as one of the Smiths creations.
  5. My fathers first car was a 1930s Morris 8 saloon.
  6. I remember Cords. Sadly. Where did you get them, Angus? My C-125 smokes and uses oil a bit. Been thinking of stripping the engine and rebuilding it.
  7. I have already explained why, but don't fret. Two are for you.
  8. Don't you be giving people ideas, Ewan.
  9. Chrome will wear better. I've always phoned Meetens.
  10. Well that's it folks. Fini! Primed and undercoated. Top coat colour to be decided.
  11. I see Eddies wife's blue Mountfield and trailer. Also his Wheel Horse with beer barrel and dummy in the trailer. I like the black and white traction engine photo.
  12. Is it going to be a worker, Richard? I've no seals in the bearings in mine. I give them a couple of shots of grease now and them. Mine does get a lot of use and abuse though. Some of the ground I mow is quite rough.
  13. That's very interesting. Just as well I've not the room and it's so far away.
  14. Are you not removing the top seal on the bottom bearing, Richard?
  15. Nice work, Ewan. Hope mine look as good when painted.
  16. Beat me to it, Richard. I use Meetens as well. Can't fault the service so far.
  17. That'll make Pam happy. For a little while anyway.
  18. Well this is as much as I can do for now, until I get some 1/2" x 1" flat bar for the lifting arms. I've had to do a bit of fettling with a file, as two were a bit of a tight fit on the back of the trans. I've only done three, as when making and working out the first one, the first arm I made turned out a bit short when bent. Unfortunately I'd not enough material to make another. I may make one with shorter arms sometime.
  19. Maaaybe mod a certain Cambridge roller.
  20. To be honest, Chris, with the amount of work in these things, I think we would have been pushing things to do them in a couple of days. I've had 2-1/2 days on them already. Tomorrow may see them finished. If, and I say IF, I make any more, at least I have a better idea how to go about things.
  21. Finished off the bosses this morning. Skimming the bores. and finished. Next my attention went on the side plates. Using the pipe bender to shape them. Nicely bent. In the jig ready to tack side plates to bosses. After tack welding as seen, the sides were removed and turned over and tacked t'other side, then fully welded up. From this point, taking photo's went out the window. Two more hitches are now tacked up ready to fully weld.
  22. I'm really looking to seeing Half a Horse when I'm down. You've three weeks to finish it.
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