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ianoz last won the day on November 30 2019

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About ianoz
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    Central Queensland
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  1. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all .
  2. ianoz

    Cat D4D

    Sorry , i don't think that is a D4D serial number . It is possibly a casting number . On the earlier D4s serial number is on a plate on the engine and also on the top left hand side of the flat back area of the machine on a small plate . Number should be stamped in where the plate mounts , problem is , if the machine has rippers or winch fitted , serial number will be covered by them . Number should read D4D then series 85A or 79J this series number shows where it was built then there will be the actual serial number
  3. How did you go Doug , found anything yet ?
  4. ianoz

    Our Komatsu

    This is what it looks like unfolded . This is our Cat D6-8U with its stick rake .
  5. ianoz

    Our Komatsu

    It is a pin on stick rake . Ends fold in to keep it under legal width for transporting .
  6. ianoz

    Our Komatsu

    Komatsu D65EX-12 ready to come home from a job .
  7. Steve , as Buddy would say We iz pore folk here . Lol
  8. This looks like a reasonable machine for the dollars .Rippers will be very handy for tree removal . https://ottumwa.craigslist.org/hvo/d/fort-madison-fiat-allis-dozer/6955814774.html
  9. ianoz


  10. LOL , was getting too fat and lazy sitting on the 988B stockpiling at the quarry . Now at the sand pit.. So at present , on a 45 ton Cat excavator , loading a 773 Cat 60 ton dump truck.Loading and carting the last of the bedding sand in this area of the pit . Once it is off , then there is coarse sand and gravel layer to load out and stockpile .
  11. From an Aussie point of view , I know nothing about the root system of the trees you are wanting to clear . But to me sounds like minimum of a D6 size machine , with rear rippers and something i don't see much of on machines in america . .A tree pusher mounted on the blade .This is not my photo so credit to original owner.
  12. I have been working out at a quarry lately . Company policy says no photos ,so can't show any of the operation . Basicly it is a limestone quarry . Rock is blasted then loaded with a 120 ton excavator . 100 ton dump trucks haul up to the crusher stockpile. They cart up around 7000 tons per 10 hour shift with 2 dump trucks . Cat 988F feeds the crusher , it then goes through various screens and wash plants . Each product is then stockpiled .I think there is about 6 loaders that stockpile and load out trucks . My son and myself have been screening oversize rock . He pulls down a stockpile with a 30 ton excavator and pulls out 500 to 800 MM rocks , the rest is stockpiled to be put through the rock screen . I was on a cat 988B loader ,. so pick up the rock weigh it and stockpile it . Next we screened the other rock .Son was feeding the rock screen with the excavator .Screen has a Grizzly bar to top so over 300 mm rock slid off and i could pick it up weigh and stockpile . The rockscreen has 3 discharge conveyors from zero to 75 mm out one . 75 to 150 out the second and 150 to 300 out the 3rd . Lucky me got to pick up ,weigh and stockpile the 4 products ..Plus bring the rock closer to the excavator to feed the screen .Kept me busy to say the least . We then moved over to another stockpile ,This time to crush to make roadbase .We have a Cat D9L to push up to the 30 ton excavator .Excavator feeds an Impact crusher with onboard screen .Roadbase comes off the end conveyor Oversize gets fed into a cone crusher then back to the screen . I weigh and stockpile the roadbase and bring the zero to 75 mm rock from the rock screen stockpile over the add to the the rock to be crushed .
  13. Get to play with some biggish toys '. Spend a fair bit of time on 988Bs Get to play with this to , Cat 992 . Loads the 60 ton dump trucks in 2 buckets . The other favorite is the Cat D10-84W
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