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Posts posted by pmackellow

  1. 11 hours ago, Alan said:

    Your camera appears to like me Paul. :wub:  I'm in most of the photo's. :rolleyes:


    That's because you are very photogenic Alan :bow:


    1 hour ago, the showman said:

    Good set of photos Paul thanks for posting them. :thumbs:

    It was a bit disappointing, out of 15 booked in only 12 bothered to turn up !!!.

    at least all the 12 that turned up were all different and I think all the exhibitors had a good time.

    Thanks to the dedicated few that supported me and the show


    We had a good weekend mate, nice and peaceful down the quiet end :D


  2. 16 minutes ago, the showman said:

    Commando 8 from East Kent, :confused:. At least he got my name right, :rolleyes:


    I did come from East Kent Chris, I bought it off the widow of the chap you sold it to, it was at Bredgar near to the railway...


    The other Horses all came from the Deep South... :thumbs: :bow:


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