expeatfarmer 591 #1 Posted June 9, 2015 I met Mark Woodward the organiser of Tractor World Malvern at Newby hall this weekend, he informed me that due to a clash with a sewing and needlework show the dates for 2016 have been changed to 27th and 28th February. The good news is that as they now have the entire showground and all halls there is scope for bigger displays which will include the 30 odd Ransomes MG crawlers and derivatives we are hoping to display. Bit of a pain for those that have booked hotels etc but at least it should mean we can re book nearer to the venue. The show at Newby Hall was a great weekend, it was good to meet up with a number of forum members and put faces and names to avatars, bit of a shame that there were only two Ransomes on display compared to about twenty Wheel Horses may be some others will turn up next year. 1 pmackellow reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #2 Posted June 9, 2015 Thanks for that, new dates duly noted Peter Love had put something in T&M about a special Wheelhorse display at Tractor World 2016... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #3 Posted June 9, 2015 I think he may have been confused by the Wheelhorse gathering at Newby Hall Tractor fest as there were over twenty machines on show. I spoke to the owners and they did not mention Malvern except two guys who also have Ransomes who want to bring them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #4 Posted June 9, 2015 Ah right, I read it in T&M and wondered if it were true... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #5 Posted January 25, 2016 It looks as if there are going to be at least 30 machines exhibiting at Tractor World Malvern on 27th / 28th February. We have a large stand along one wall of the first hall and space in the centre so there is no restriction on numbers for anyone who would like to display a machine. The plan is to set out the machines in age order from the left of the stand, if you are displaying it would help if you know the year of manufacture. As I have said before it is not about having a shiny machine it is about taking part and meeting other owners so even if your machine has the patina of decades or a fresh coat of paint please do register and come along. It is an excellent show with hundreds of tractors, loads of trade stands,used parts stands and a massive auction so plenty to do see and buy.No charge for exhibiting and free entry passes if you do. The idea is that there will be at least one of every model of MG tractor that Ransomes produced from 1937 to 1965 including the very rare industrial machines. Currently we are light on MG5 models and the later MG40 machines, a Sachs engined MG40 would be good. Over the years machines have been modified for special purposes ( three wheel shunter ) or just to keep them running engine swaps etc. Such machines are also part of the history of the MG tractor and as such are just as welcome as the machines in original order. Rebuild restorations and projects in progress are very welcome as long as you have the means to move them around on site. If you are going to attend but not display, do bring along any photos of MG machines and implements that you may have, we are setting up a display board with pictures of tractors from all over the world provided by enthusiasts who are too far away to take part. I look forward to meeting up with you, I am the shy good looking white haired bloke with a pipe!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #6 Posted January 25, 2016 I am the shy good looking white haired bloke with a pipe!!! And I am the shy good looking white haired bloke without a pipe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hpearce 40 #7 Posted January 25, 2016 And I am the shy good looking grey haired bloke without a pipe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel 1,880 #8 Posted January 25, 2016 and ime the fat one wiv little legs and long eyelashes and a rollup in my mouth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hpearce 40 #9 Posted January 26, 2016 Had a very prompt response from Mark Woodward confirming that my entry to Tractor World has been received. Am very much looking forward to Malvern, The shy good looking grey haired bearded bloke without a pipe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #10 Posted January 31, 2016 I now have 27 machines entered for the Malvern display, entries close on 1st February so if you are hoping to come with a machine please e mail either myself or Mark at Tractor World. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hpearce 40 #11 Posted January 31, 2016 Almost one for each year of production of the MG tractor! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #12 Posted January 31, 2016 Apparently Mark has further registrations so we make achieve 30+ Fantastic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #13 Posted January 31, 2016 If you have a Ransomes MG machine but are unable to bring it along, please bring some photos that we can display on our "Absent Machines " display board. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #14 Posted January 31, 2016 Now well over 30 machines should be a great show, not too late if you want to take part. Spoke to a guy tonight who has not shown for thirty years and wants to come and take part fantastic! 3 hpearce, nigel and Stormin reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #15 Posted February 3, 2016 In addition to the 33 machines booked in so far ( still time if you hurry ) There will be a display from the MERL Archives, a display of Literature relating to the tractors, another display of literature relating to implements , a display of photos of machine around the World and a stand from Neil Jarrett carrying spare parts and interesting Ransomes items. If you need a particular part, ring Neil and ask him for what you need. 2 S1g and hpearce reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris 642 #16 Posted February 4, 2016 Looks like I will be coming along with a couple of mates on the Sunday. Will come over & find you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #17 Posted February 5, 2016 Just realised that the show is only 3 weeks away and I've still got about half a dozen machines for my exhibit to get ready. I'm going to be busy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #18 Posted February 5, 2016 Jonathan and I are two down, five to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #19 Posted February 5, 2016 It depends how painful my arthritis is between now and then as to how many machines I get finished. 1 nigel reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #20 Posted February 6, 2016 Now up to 35 Ransomes entered. Final closing is 19th Feb. 1 Stormin reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #21 Posted February 7, 2016 Just been looking at the October tractorworld, however the cheapest I can book a hotel room for two nights is £138, plus the £80 odd of diesel the cabstar would guts going there and back means that I'll have to only do the malvern show unless anyone knows of any better deals on hotels/b&b's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rocboni 257 #22 Posted February 7, 2016 Similar to what it will cost me, B&B is £120 and £100+ in fuel plus food and whatever I spot at the auction and buy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #23 Posted February 9, 2016 Been making a bit of progress with my exhibit, am on course to have 9 machines to take. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
expeatfarmer 591 #24 Posted February 9, 2016 Ransomes exhibitors now up to 36, Nat Finnbow from Suffolk is bringing his MG6 Prototype. 1 hpearce reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris 642 #25 Posted February 9, 2016 Looking forward to seeing them Never met Nat. Only seen is expensive machines for sale on ebay every so often!! 2 hpearce and Rocboni reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites