Darmic1 447 #1 Posted September 19, 2015 I took a trip down to Exeter to collect this today......... It will need some work, the original handle bars are missing, a previous owner has grafted a pair from a child's bike onto it. The carb will probably need replacing as there is a lump smashed out of the side, its also missing half its blades, wouldn't even know where to start looking for those? 2 Triumph66 and Stormin reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #2 Posted September 20, 2015 With those handlebars, it looks like the sports model. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #3 Posted September 20, 2015 Hi Darren let me know which model b10 carb it is, I may have a spare if I can find it.i also got some mk12 bits knocking about, just ask if there's anything you need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #4 Posted September 20, 2015 Ahhh Gareth, You life saver! Its a B10/1 There is also V2075C marked on it? On closer inspection, the actual carb itself appears ok, its the housing which has the red air cleaner clipped to which is smashed, Air cleaner also missing! The engine is free, however has little compression, so thinking valves, piston rings??? But 1st I will see if I can get a spark, apparently it was running a year or 2 ago, but then got left outside...... uncovered...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #5 Posted September 20, 2015 I'll have look what's knocking about at work, the one container suffered an attempted breakin and after what they did to the door I can't get in to it at the moment, but I'm fairly sure I've got a box of carb bits in the one unit we haven't emptied yet.You'd be very lucky if the coil is any good as from memory the mk 12 uses the villiers ones instead of the better later wico's. Rings rarely give trouble and even if very worn will still run well, odds on the exhaust valve will be badly pitted. And/ or seat. Also honking the bore can work wonders.A lot of these engines had the oil bath filter as fitted to my howard 200 when on a cultivator, but if the clips are short it would of been the red filter, if I haven't got any left I know meetens still had some last time I asked but will have a look tomorrow when I'm at the unit. 1 Darmic1 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #6 Posted September 20, 2015 Sorry should read honing not honking, iPad auto correct! 1 Triumph66 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #7 Posted September 20, 2015 I'd be happy if it made any noise at present........ honking or not its sitting silent! Not touched it, too busy with garden produce, currently doing a batch of 'chilli jam' 2 Triumph66 and S1g reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #8 Posted September 20, 2015 Sorry should read honing not honking, iPad auto correct! I have been caught out with the the IPad auto correct a few times! 1 S1g reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmackellow 2,738 #9 Posted September 20, 2015 I have literature for this Darren I will bring the file to isfield so you can have a look through it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #10 Posted September 20, 2015 Cheers Paul....... Not sure where im going with this one after this afternoons discoveries! Looks like the engine could well be beyond economical repair, toast as they say! Despite being told it ran as recently as a year ago, I very much doubt its ran in the last 10!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #11 Posted September 21, 2015 Cheers Paul....... Not sure where im going with this one after this afternoons discoveries! Looks like the engine could well be beyond economical repair, toast as they say! Despite being told it ran as recently as a year ago, I very much doubt its ran in the last 10!!! An ebay special... I will look this morning if I've got any spare bottom ends, as I said on the phone there's definatley some c12'sin a container that I can't get into at the moment thanks to scumbags trying to breakin but there might be some down the yard. If it's just rings then the last set I purchased from meetens were about £20 ( allthougth that was quite a few years ago). Otherwise you should be able to pick up a doner engine for a few quid off ebay or similar as there's still an awful lot out there. I purchased a howard demon a few years ago that had been run with low dirty oil, then found a similar engine at a car boot sale for £12 that meant I could build up one good lump out of the two so don't give up hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #12 Posted September 21, 2015 Cheers Gareth, Say, will make some enquiries today on the bits required....... Could be an expensive resto again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #13 Posted September 22, 2015 Bitten the Bullet and ordered the bits to repair this engine following a chat with Gareth, a new set of rings, full gasket set, oil seals and a plug. This is what greeted me when I removed the cylinder head....... Hmmmm, That looks like a lot of water has been in there, so I drain the oil, about a cupful of oil, followed by a litre of water! Further investigation revealed rusted piston rings, rust damage to the bore, heavily pitted exhaust valve seat and a seized rebuildable Lodge plug, thankfully the crank and bearings are fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #14 Posted September 22, 2015 Had the exhaust valve seat recut today, ground the valves in, honed the worst of the damage from the bore, then stripped, cleaned and primed the block. Found some original paint in a inaccessible part of the sump, so took this down to the local paint supplier and had some of this green mixed up. The closest match is a colour called "Linden Green" 2 Stormin and Ian reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #15 Posted September 22, 2015 Here's the recut valve seat and the reground valves, The exhaust valve now sits a little lower in the seat due to the amount of material needed to be removed to get a un-pitted seat. The valve should be ok and not burn up! Here's the block, cylinder head and sump all painted in this 'lovely' shade of green, Linden Green! 4 Ian, S1g, nigel and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 1,900 #16 Posted September 23, 2015 Nice work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #17 Posted September 23, 2015 I've had to do that to the valve seat on many a little villiers, sitting lower has never yet made any difference. Years later they still seem to run fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 2,417 #18 Posted September 23, 2015 I've just caught up with this, Glad you decided the engine is rebuildable Darren.. Your not hanging about with the rebuild are you 1 Darmic1 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #19 Posted September 23, 2015 Thanks Ian, Not much point sitting idle when I have time on my hands! I must admit I thought it was a gonna when I opened it up...... Its suprised me how good it was beneath all the jellified crud and rust! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #20 Posted September 23, 2015 Was pleasantly surprised to find the 'postie' delivered the bits from Meetens today, So an afternoon wielding spanners was had. To say it wasn't a challenge would be a lie. The rings supplied were +20 and needed filing and gapping, never done this before, something new to add to the resume! The sump gasket was of a later style and didn't fit, So I cut a new one...... Then I discovered an oversight from the valve seat re-cutting. Once the tappets and valves were refitted the valves didn't close properly? I ground the required amount from the valve stem to give the correct fitment and clearances, pleased to say it all went back together ok after that. The engine is almost done, just needs the flywheel and timing finishing, the carb overhauled and perhaps a squirt of fuel to test fire it........... 2 Stormin and S1g reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #21 Posted September 24, 2015 Nice job you've made of it, Darmic. 1 Darmic1 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #22 Posted September 24, 2015 Cheers Norm! Just hope it runs??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1g 579 #23 Posted September 24, 2015 Cheers Norm! Just hope it runs??? So long as the coil is ok then it will just fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #24 Posted September 24, 2015 Have tested the coil, both primary and secondary are good! Fingers crossed........... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darmic1 447 #25 Posted September 24, 2015 Managed to get a few more hours in on this machine today. The exhaust had my attention today, It was holed in several places but was generally sound, so I decided to weld up the holes, or rather chase them around........ Eventually got it all plugged up and looking half decent on the outside. I then set about replacing the missing 'pipe part. Not sure if it was meant to be down swept or what? But it will be fine like this..... A few coats of VHT paint and its one more thing ticked off the long list! 1 S1g reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites