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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2014 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    It was this day 70 years ago that thousands of US, Canadian , British & other European counties gave their young lives for each & every one of us to live today. On the beaches of France on June 6th 1944 thousands of young lives were lost I thank all of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for me ,my family & friends the gift of life Thank you ,http://youtu.be/L6EsjZYInjo
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point

    Wheel Horse C-81

    You'll be pleased to hear the C-81 is on the trailer. So you can have a play. BTW. It drove on under it's own power.
  5. 1 point

    The twin Suffolk...

    This all started at the end of 2012 when someone I know posted a Youtube video of a "twin cylinder" Suffolk Iron Foundery engine that he'd made. However the next day, he revealed it to be a fake. Soon after a friend of mine gave me 6 Suffolks that he was otherwise going to scrap and a plan started forming For the US members on the forum, The Suffolk engine is a small cast iron block lawn mower engine, used on Suffolk reel mowers from the 50's through to the early 90's (?). It is almost identical to the Briggs and Stratton Model N, to the point that most of the parts are interchangable. Here is what one looks like before I got my hands on it! (Not mine, I must add) So, a (Not very good...) video showing how mine was made. I'm not very good at taking pictures, so that is all I have at the moment. I plan to do a tear down this year and paint it all, I'll take more pics then And one of it running!!! Unfortunatly I don't have a recent video. It now has a single carb, as getting the twin carbs set right was a pain, though I may try twin carb in the future, as I think a lot of the problems were caused by the ignition coil for the 2nd cylinder being on its last legs. it was getting worse and worse every time I ran it and the last time, I would only get th occasional fire on no2 pot. It is currently laid up under the bench, waiting a new coil. The exhausts have also been done with copper and brass fittings, though I plan on making a silencer for it in similar fashion, as it is quite loud. The next part of the plan is to find an engineless 17" Suffolk Super Punch mower and mount it on that! Andrew
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