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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    A mowing we will go.

    Tonight I decided to discomboomerate the dead daffodils on the green. So out with the C-81 and finger bar.
  2. 1 point

    A mowing we will go.

    Are you growing a beard Norm, or has your hair just slipped.
  3. 1 point

    O&R Model L challenge

    This weekend I've finally had a bit of time to see if I could free up the seized piston, it was left to soak for a couple of days with some oil in the cylinder as I usually do, then I used the flywheel to turn it gently each way a little bit at a time until it was free. Once the piston was free to move, I could safely remove the cylinder without any further damage. It looks like this early engine had little or no use. I think I may have a spare con-rod somewhere, just need to locate it. Looks like it has the odd sized piston rings, although it shouldn't have according to a service bulletin (last used in 1961 with serial number 006072) as this is serial number 006403, I guess they still had a few left and used them all up. David
  4. 1 point

    Sponsored walk for Parkinsons UK

    Wendys uncle sadly died of Parkinsons Disease earlier in the year, and as a bit of a tribute some of his family decided we would do the 6 mile sponsored walk in his memory. As extended family I was roped in as well. This happened today and as Bella is still recovering after her cruciate ligament op Wendy "borrowed" a customers dog for the walk. We all completed the walk and got our finishers medals, a pub was nearby so I nipped over for a pint (as you do). Between us the 8 members of the family that did the walk raised over £1300 for Parkinsons UK, so not a bad days walk ! Here's some photos...
  5. 1 point

    Sponsored walk for Parkinsons UK

    Well done both of you. And all the others of course. Carols mother had Parkinson's, so that charity and the one for alzheimers, which my father had, are the main ones for us.
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