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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    the showman

    Wheelhorse Rear Bracket

    All done, I'm pleased with that.
  2. 4 points
    the showman

    Wheelhorse Rear Bracket

    I've got a Wheelhorse rear bracket to attach a dozer blade or tiller to the tractor but need another one but they are hard to find so I thought I'd make a copy. Start with a bit of quarter plate bent to shape, make a template from cardboard and drill some holes and a few square ones. I was lucky to have an old mount from a 265 to nick a couple of bits from Just needs a coat of paint when I get time
  3. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Fichtel & Sachs AG STAMO 202

    Update- Despite all efforts by this engine to avoid producing a Spark, it finally relented the other week after delving deep behind the Flywheel and checking/cleaning everything. Made some missing parts for the over complicated and non-repair friendly Bing Carb. Managed to get it to fire a few times, but suspected the Carb settings were out, as I had not touched them. Last Weds, able to get to it for an hour or so. Played with the Air Bleed and Governor, then burst into life with an impressive white smoke cloud. It had been parked up several years ago and in a poor state in both condition and mechanically. I'll post some pics of it and what it is attached to soon when it's in full running order and the owner gives me the OK.
  4. 1 point


    It would be hard work getting them out as well.
  5. 1 point


    Both the Drummond and Harrison are big and heavy Nigel. The Harrison looks the better option as more modern, but I don't know what price etc. I think the Showmans friend Steve might have more info. I don't have his or the owners phone numbers.
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