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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. true rat rod - best get on with designing some decals... and paying you a visit!
  2. Looking good, here's one I took. Yes Richard, they are chrome and laminated. Look great, but expensive to make. I think the effect is worth it though.
  3. Not that bad to do, but ours had been full of water for years and was pretty shot! So it took a bit of engineering to get it right. The Cubs are nice machines!
  4. Ewan's steering is awesome since I rebuilt the steering box Just need the rest to match...
  5. Nigel must be some kind of God then
  6. Dammit, I've still got loads! One has your name on Chris, and anyone else who missed out...
  7. Only cos of all the weight over the back wheels :d
  8. As it happens, Taylor's brewery is 2 miles from where I lived with my parents. Must've been past squill ions of times. Golden best is my all time fave.
  9. I'm a real ale buff too, but the south seldom does decent beer!
  10. Hard work drinking and keeping up with you lot! Timeout for me
  11. That's a 634 with roadless conversion Ian, I'd like that too.... Not big on 4x4, but I'd own any of them in a heartbeat
  12. It's the axle pin that's seized on Ewan's. It will lift a wheel rather than tilt the axle!
  13. Well if you look closely a few bits did fall off James D...
  14. I know there's a lot of little stuff, here's what really floats my boat
  15. Get rid of that dust sheet and fit another 4 horses in there Norm
  16. And as soon we we got back to the display area it started perfectly! someone got a sneaky pic
  17. Here's the aftermath No dodgy guts involved either...
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