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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. looks a good day out, is it scone outside Perth?
  2. looking good Ian - mig is the future
  3. Looking good Chris, did the hood stand really fit that easily
  4. I want one! Is that the correct term for one?
  5. Done Tyres look good btw...
  6. +1 on a mobile or 001 from a landline first....
  7. I could have sat the engine in for the photos. Need to make the clutch and brake linkages next, just noticed the footplate clashes with the pedal, that a bit job to fix
  8. Just noticed you cut the gear stick off, you just need to undo the set screw to lift it out....
  9. So did you manage to get anything done or were you fighting over the welder with James
  10. Thanks for the kind words chaps! Another full day and not a massive amount to show, remote gear linkages are done. Managed to strip and spray the hood stand. Just the hood to paint now and another few coats on the fender. Out for the day tomorrow, so that's it of the weekend....
  11. I did the same with a set of ransomes 12 inch rims on my 4x4. I just moved the centres out to get the right offset. They were just welded too. Unfortunately all wheel horse rims I've seen are spot welded.
  12. Well big progress today Bendy is back to a rolling chassis... I fit the remaining oil seats in the front transmission, ordered some more woodruff keys and started the reassembly process. Lots of new nuts and bolts, its a shame to fit rusty ones back in especially when you can see them..... well I did cheat reusing the old ones for the transmission and the wheel bolts, 7/16 unf are hard to come by and not so cheap. I'm going to buy some zinc and have a go at electroplating them. Also got the remote shift working the forward reverse, just the high low lever to fit. the cat sneaked into a shot
  13. cheers! thanks Norm thanks Ian, I've had a few pointers along the way
  14. you could let one twist a few degrees and the chain will be ok, or use double v belts and a tensioner?
  15. good start James, are you making both transmission rigid at the back? p.s. thanks for the plug p.p.s. now you've upped the stakes I'm having to work hard on bendy....
  16. Yeah go for it, let's see some pics... Hopefully get you sorted that decal set Mark
  17. first 2rds of roadtrip complete, now have two transmissions and two wheels in my boot!

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