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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. Why not use the weight of the GennyGenny to tension? I think that's how the original worked
  2. Proper gas too, not like cheapskate me on pub gas
  3. Speedy work James! Is this tonight's work?
  4. That would sit perfect on the back of bendy!
  5. I managed to get the gearbox and chassis cleaned and painted The remote gear linkages are almost there, not a lot of room for both and the steering box. Here's the two halves on different benches just waiting to come together.
  6. Awesome, some of those bumps on the 6x6 look like you need a seatbelt!
  7. Today's update... The keyway in the axle was shot, the end of the hub shot too. The end to middle was ok and useable but needed a longer key to replace the small woodruff key. So I ordered a 1/4" end mill and used the lathe to cut a new one. Firstly making sure the height was spot on by marking the centre of the axle, this needs shims in order to get the correct centre. The final score line can just be seen. Then running the mill through in small passes to cut an 3 inch keyway. Once the full cut was done here's a half together shot showing the hub, fresh key steel and axle.
  8. It's when you realise you actually have 5 each of 1/2" and 9/16 but they were all hiding underneath one another...
  9. Think. 1990s home shopping channels and they were all the rage along with Fancy wrenches and Slick 50
  10. Charlie, you can use EP80 or EP90. Both are good modern equivalents. I actually use 10W40 in project C4. If it's good enough for a car engine and gearbox then it's good enough for a horse transmission. It just leaks faster
  11. I like different though wouldn't choose purple Ian.... Missus would though, her last car was a really kooky blue, never saw the same colour again. Here's my current car, though I didn't choose the colour it just arrived that way....
  12. Awesome, go for it. Look forward to seeing it back in action
  13. it's a bit wizard of oz... just needs a munchkin
  14. I could never have made something like that in my head - maybe I need more coffee breaks
  15. Not a bacon sarnie or ice cream in sight
  16. It was early Norm, I can make my 4 jaw a 2..
  17. Got through a lot this weekend... Cleaned up the front hubs and beefed them up, along with some painting. Looking better with some red on! One of the hubs and axle in pretty chewed up, 1/4" slot drill on order to cut a new keyway.
  18. Good to see the holder hard at work
  19. I only say that because, I look around the workshop and on a hot day beer bottle magic themselves into the strangest of places
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