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Jarrovian last won the day on December 30 2023

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About Jarrovian
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday July 19
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  1. A picture of the whole machine and the carb may help identify engine model etc.
  2. Hello Brian, Just out of curiosity did you purchase it from Edinburgh ? it looks very much like one my mate had regards Dave
  3. Merry Christmas to everybody at MOM and a Happy New Year
  4. great pics Norm pity I could not make it this year Dave F.
  5. thank you for information Stormin Little bros. have been informed
  6. Happy birthday Paul and many more to come
  7. happy birthday Norm and many more to come
  8. Beamish Museum is situated near Stanley county Durham, on Saturday and Sunday 23rd 24th July the Beamish Tractor Show was held on the old exhibition showfield at Beamish, The Living Museum of the North. A varied selection of stationary engines, horticultural equipment, tractors and a few commercials attended. A couple of rare items were noted an unknown make of grass cutter with a Humber engine (Humber were a English car maker many years ago) and also a rare Allen Scythe born about 1935 with steel wheels, with a Villiers two stroke engine which was cast on the engine cowling and straight handles not the usual curved ends, a good couple of days were had by all great weather and a look around the museum.
  9. Many happy returns I have a spare zimmer frame if needed
  10. Hi Norm, Regarding the Lister driven motorbike, a great bit of engineering I was talking to the owner the steering is locked for safety, he can unlock it, some more pictures (not to your standard)
  11. Thank you Anglo Traction it might be a winter project so for the time being I will show as found
  12. I recently acquired an unusual machine it was distributed by Geo. Monro of Waltham Cross UK, any information regarding maker and what it was used my guess is a seed distributer due it having several precise holes in the front box
  13. The BVAA Rally held at Springwood Park Kelso in the Scottish Borders May 14/15 2022 I arrived on Friday set up the van said hello to some old friends which I had not seen since before lockdown one of who was Uncle Albert (Kenny)
  14. that last picture looks remarkedly like the one on mom why is it included as it shows nothing like locality of sale area
  15. Hi Norm is Heathersgill rally on this year
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