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Prof last won the day on September 27 2023

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  1. Prof


    I spoke to Carol yesterday and she said no flowers, Norm would have hated the waste of money, but any donations to Cancer Research, a family member has terminal cancer.. She's was calling Norm an old bugger because she'd been in his shed and found out how many tractors he had. She didn't know. Wonder what else she'll find.
  2. Hi All, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Stormin Norman Dainton died from a stroke last week. Sounds like it was sudden I knew him from the Land Rover community but know he was on here fairly often. This was him and Carol on 4th August this year when he visited us in Mid Wales. My wife tried to poison him with spicy foreign muck (Spaghetti Bolognese), he'd never had spaghetti before. A true gentleman with a dry northern wit and will be sorely missed by all that knew him. Chris
  3. Prof

    Cat D4D

    I have a friend who has just bought what he says is a D4D. He's trying to date it, can anybody help please. Numbers on it show BC D4 524 6G 4941 7J 2329 I tried posting pics but they've disappeared.
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