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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Stormin

    Seal question.

    Thanks Ranger. I can pick some up tomorrow.
  2. Stormin

    Seal question.

    Cheers, Chris. Any Idea of O.D. - I.D. and thickness?
  3. Stormin

    Seal question.

    Cheers Mark. I'll check the shaft dia. No great rush. I'm wanting two sets actually. 120 and 125.
  4. Stormin

    Seal question.

    Can anyone tell me the size of the transmission drive shaft seals for my C-120?
  5. Mmmmm! Nailed back together. Sort of. Could this be due to seeing if some engine will fit?
  6. Can't beat Whitby fish and chips. There's a caravan site down the track by the pub. Owned by an old friend of mine.
  7. Different county as well. Lancashire, Gods county.
  8. If you think the Tykes talk funny, come over here and get down south of Maryport, marra.
  9. Is Nigel weighing that marshal up to convert to a dragster?
  10. Looks like the weather was better than over this side.
  11. Stormin

    Full stable.

    I'm not the suicidal type, Chris.
  12. Stormin

    Full stable.

    You can't see all of it, Neil.
  13. Stormin

    Kohler Carb.

    Thanks James. Chris down in Sussex has offered to send me one. If it's not the one I'll be in touch.
  14. Just what Paul said. Not a puddle in sight.
  15. That's true Paul and when I think what I've bought and sold over the years and for how much I wish I had them now. The BSA C12 was nice. Sold mine for £20.
  16. Stormin

    Full stable.

    I'll just tidy the C-120 up a bit first, Mark, and do any bits and pieces needed. Chris reckons the carb needs a bit of a tweek. Besides, the C-81 isn't finished yet.
  17. Stormin

    Full stable.

    On my return from Newby show, I had to have a bit of a sort out in the workshop. This was due to another horse jumping on the trailer. After unloading last night. A bit crowded. Nicely stabled now and room to move. SWMBO has said I should build a lean to by the workshop wall. I've been saying that for ages. So one side and one t'other.
  18. And it was as well. Down to Marks dad, Frank and his good lady. I really needed that coffee.
  19. That photo of the Baker doesn't really show the size of the thing. It is was some machine. 4 cylinder petrol engine. Gallons to the mile anyone?
  20. Looks nothing like the CX500 I had.
  21. Haven't done anything Ian. Ticks over nicely. Just enough to make progress. Dies if throttle opened up. Need another carb, Float chamber wrong as well as broken main screw. That's on the side and not top.
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