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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Just need a bike to go on the trailer now.
  2. I've been looking at that photo, Ian. Would it be possible to shorten the Honda drive shaft behind the UJ, machine a sleeve/adapter to fit the angle gearbox and weld it to the shortened shaft? You would only have one UJ then.
  3. Be like driving a series Land Rover with overdrive.
  4. I can just imagine that. I think seat belts would be mandatory.
  5. OOOW! It's got the little thingy on the bonnet.
  6. Some interesting machinery there. Thanks!
  7. Well it runs and not as rich now, but it's still erratic. It seems to be t'other way round. a bit lean. I can get anywhere near the lovely idle it had with the original carb. It also seems to have quite a bark now. I took the original carb to the garden machine centre, I frequent. He's going to see if he can find a float bowl that fits. When I get that, I'll refit and see what transpires. Until then I'm leaving it alone. (Maybe?) I've got a question though. In which hole does the connecting rod from governor arm to throttle go.? The top one in the arm or the lower one?
  8. Good idea. Now where can I find two big lads to lift my tractors?
  9. Looking at that, I think you'll need it. Be good to see finished.
  10. Probably stuck in some hedge, somewhere.
  11. More than fingers crossed, Chris.
  12. Further to more info, I've found that the original carb has not got a broken screw after all. It didn't have one to start with. Being a later model carb it is a fixed jet. All to do with emissions. It still has the wrong float bowl though. I checked the float settings on both carbs. The older carb has a brass float, the later one plastic. I set the height of the brass float but was unable to set the drop. The tag, as in Chris's diagram, is missing. The plastic float, much bigger than the brass one, was ok for both settings. Unfortunately they are not interchangeable and neither are the float needles. The older carb is now all together and on the tractor, ready to try tomorrow. One thing for sure is I'm learning about the carbs.
  13. Only things I find under trees and in hedges are old fence posts and barb wire. Anything useful has been spirited away by southern tourists.
  14. Thanks Chris. Try that tomorrow. Here's hoping it works.
  15. There where those in the morning who wished him happy birthday in the shout box. AFTER he had complained no one had.
  16. Thanks for the comments on the photo's, lads. It is a good little two day show and usually well attended. Organised by a handful, and I mean handful, of people. The usual parade had to be canceled this year due to a shortage of stewards and the number visitors. Unfortunately, being on the town green, they cannot charge visitors and rely on donations. Being a steward shortage, there was no one available to go round with the donation buckets. Makes you wonder about the mentality of some people though. Blazing hot day and some moron left a dog in a parked car with all windows shut. If I'd had a hammer. I hope the police got them. On a lighter note a complaint was made about the smoke from the miniature steamers. "Can't they switch them off," some woman complained.
  17. Air filter's not to bad, Richard. Makes not difference on or off. Mark, sad to say not there yet. It will rev now, but idle is not as sweet as it was with old carb. It's running rich and takes no notice of idle mixture screw. Anyone know the float setting. And yes, Richard, a Walbro.
  18. Chris down in West Sussex sent me up another carb off a Kohler 8hp. Minor differences but ALL mixture screws intact. Many thanks Chris. Finally got around to fitting it today, but first a float bowl seal had to be made. I found an O ring that fitted the groove but the diameter was too big. Stanley knife and Super Glue sorted that. Carb cleaned and put on. Started up but the engine would still not run right. Much popping and banging at high revs and flames out of the silencer. Black smoke as well. Running rich. Flooding? Float bowl off, float needle seemed free and just a little fine dirt in the bowl. Mixture screws out and a blow job with the airline. Reassembled and things a little better, though not by much. Checked the condition of the points. A little clean up and reset sorted them. Much fiddling followed and I noticed the pump feed to carb union was leaking a little bit. Off with pump as the union could not be sorted in situ. While off I took it apart to check the diaphragm. It was ok, but the inside of the pump was a tad dirty. Cleaned it and replaced on the engine. Restarted and still ran erratic with black smoke from exhaust and would only run at high revs. More fiddling with the mixture screws and it runs much better now. Well it did before I came in for a coffee. I also changed the position of the governor arm to carb linkage position. Moved it to the lower hole on the arm. Gave more movement so I assume I'd fitted it wrong. BTW.I didn't take it apart. I'll run it again later and see if it's still OK.
  19. Mate of mines got an Allen Scythe. None runner and had it for years. I keep trying to get him to do it up. Or give it me.
  20. I did have the C-81 and C-125 entered, but as I did not get home from the farm till 11pm Sat night, I couldn't get them there for Sat and Sunday morning I was somewhat jaded. Grandson number 3 and I did pay a visit though. The days were hot and plenty of visitors hit town and the rally. Remembered my camera so a few photo's to follow. The motorcyclists were from The Isle of Man and they put on a fantastic comedy performance. Most of the bikes were Honda 50's. Couple of V8 hot rods. Something a little older. Stationary engines. Tractors. Horse drawn implements. Stunt riders. Syco. Getting a tow in wheelie bins. Finally some miniature steamers. Even though we were there by 11am taking photo's was a bit of a nightmare due to the crowds.
  21. What's that in the third and fourth photo's? Looks rather interesting.
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