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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. There was a series 1 one at the Hutton show. Purple with matching scale Sankey trailer. Little girl driving it and the number plate read ELL 1 E.
  2. I noticed the beret worn by the Viking driver. Very popular head gear in those days for farm workers, motorcyclist, cyclists and open vehicle drivers/passengers.
  3. I'm with Mark on this one.
  4. The stocks and dies in photo 4 are the same as some I have somewhere.
  5. Thanks lads. Sorry about the mix up of photos. SWMBO interrupted me half way through.
  6. A mate and I went to the above today. Just a smallish show near Penrith. Sorry, no horticultural, stationary engines etc. Just cars, 4 tractors and half a dozen motorcycles. We travelled in Bobs toy. The result of that auction site and a bottle of wine, one weekend when his wife was away. I remembered my camera so enjoy.
  7. Hopefully you won't flood again, if the environment agency is dredging the rivers like they should.
  8. Is there not a chance of duplication if we have Anzani and British Anzani?
  9. I was wondering what that was. On a closer look I can see the tines.
  10. Can you get a better photo of the spade thingy, Chris? Or will the bush fall over?
  11. That could take some time. If your anything like me, you'll start reading 'em.
  12. Good, varied show. Thanks Neil. P.S. Loved the skeleton. Brilliant!
  13. I agree, Ian. I sometimes wonder at the things people collect.
  14. Sure you've got enough bed time reading there.
  15. Nice photo's Ian. I should really carry my camera with me more often.
  16. Chrome wheels look the ticket.
  17. I'm going to complain to the CTWH society.
  18. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    This arrived today. Many thanks to Chris. Should be a photo of a bolt.
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